  • 學位論文


A Study of the Huakangshan Site from the Perspective of Pottery Technical Choice

指導教授 : 陳有貝


花岡山遺址位於花蓮縣美崙溪口,從日治時期發現至今累積了多次發掘與調查研究,史前文化層涵蓋新石器時代中期至鐵器時代晚期,並延續到歷史時期。在筆者所參與的2019年花岡山遺址北濱段587-61地號民宅(即「剝皮辣椒」地點)搶救發掘的初步室內整理中,發現文化層I(花岡山遺址上層類型文化層)陶器遺留數量及陶質組成比例隨著時間有著比例上的變化。因此在本研究中希望更進一步釐清此問題。   文化變遷、技術變革、器物轉變等議題一直是考古學家所關注的議題。在針對本文化層的陶質遺留研究成果不多的情況下,筆者希望由技術選擇(Technical Choice)理論作為研究取徑,更深入理解史前花岡山陶匠的製作技術,再展開進一步的分析。筆者認為:即便同屬一個文化層,也不應直接將其中的遺留同質化,而是應該意識到它們隨著時空不同而存在的異質性。因此,本研究將嘗試透過陶器製作技術分析,結合人文與自然背景來探討、反思文化層內的變動性。   本研究分析結果顯示:文化層I的陶器製作技術隨著時間愈晚而愈加簡化。然而細觀其內涵,可見被加以簡化的面向並沒有對陶器本身的功能造成劇烈影響。透過對遺址形成過程、史前自然環境狀況背景、與外界交流等相關背景爬梳,筆者認為:文化層I陶器製作技術的變化乃是在自然、社會背景下,人、物之間複雜而動態的活動中,經由一連串的「選擇」而導致的結果。


The Huagangshan Site is located at the Meilun River estuary in Hualien County. It has accumulated many excavations and investigations since Japanese Colonial Period. The prehistoric cultural layer covers from the middle Neolithic to the late Iron Age, and continues into the historical period. In the preliminary interior works of the rescue excavation at No. 587-61 in the Beibin section of the Huagangshan site( the Peeling Pepper) in 2019, we discovered that pottery remais from cultural layer I (the Upper Huagangshan Cluture) had proportion changed in ceramic type over time. Therefore, I hope to further clarify this issue in this study.   Archaeologists have been concerning about issues such as cultural change, technological change, and transformation of artifacts. Given that there are not many research results on the ceramic remains of cultural layer I, I want to use the technical choice approach to gain a deeper understanding of the prehistoric Huagangshan pottery production technology, and then carry out further analysis. I consider that even if the remains belong to the same cultural layer, they should not be considered homogeneous. Researcheres should be aware of their heterogeneity during time and space. Therefore, this research will try to explore and reflect on the variability within the cultural layer through the analysis of the ceramic technology, in the humanistic and natural backgrounds.   The result suggests that the pottery manufacture technology in cultural layer I became more and more simplified as time went by. However, the simplified manufacture didn’t have a drastic impact on the function of the pottery. By combing through related backgrounds such as the formation process, prehistoric natural environment, and so on, I believes that the change of pottery manufacture technology in cultural layer I was the result from a series of choices under the complex and dynamic interaction between human-thing within natural and social backgrounds.


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