  • 學位論文


The Complexity of GARCH Option Pricing Models

指導教授 : 呂育道


建立樹狀模型評價選擇權時,我們通常以增加一日的切割數,n,來增進評價的正確性,但增加 n 的同時也降低了評價的效率性。在LGARCH下,樹狀模型隨著 n 增加會導致樹上之總點數呈指數型成長。Lyuu and Wu (2005)發現,在LGARCH下,樹狀模型上之總點數呈指數型成長與否和 n 有關。但並非所有的GARCH模型皆同。我們發現,LGARCH、NGARCH、GJR-GARCH、TS-GARCH和TGARCH有類似之性質,而在Heston-Nandi和VGARCH下,樹狀模型上之總點數呈指數型成長與否則與 n 無關。


When building trees to price options, we often increase the number of partitions per day, n , to improve accuracy. But increasing n often lowers efficiency. Under LARCH, raising n makes the GARCH tree grow exponentially. Lyuu and Wu (2005) prove that the criteria for explosion and non-explosion under LGARCH depend on n . Surprisingly, not all GARCH models share the same property. This thesis proves that LGARCH, NGARCH, GJR-GARCH, TS-GARCH and TGARCH share this property, but the Heston-Nandi model and VAGRCH do not.


GARCH path dependency trinomial tree option pricing


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