  • 學位論文


Spatial Social Dynamics behind International Humanitarian Assistance to Post-Tsunami Reconstruction: The Friendship Village of Indonesia-China in Aceh, Indonesia

指導教授 : 簡旭伸


2004年底印度洋海嘯的災後重建是近來最大規模的跨國人道主義援助行動。本研究以中國政府於印尼亞齊援助興建的「中國-印尼友誼村」(文中亦稱為友誼村),探討跨國援助下的災後住宅重建對族群關係的影響,並從援助者與地方的互動關係,理解援助過程以及援助者離去之後受援地方的族群調適現況。研究發問為:(1).中國-印尼友誼村的空間如何建構?援助者與各角色如何互動?創造出何種援助景觀和形象?(2).外來援助者與地方民眾如何建構地方族群社會關係?華人在其中有何特殊性和影響力?創造出什麼樣的集體意識與互動關係?(3).援助成果如何受到時間考驗?空間與社會關係是否轉型?族群關係是否能夠維持?     研究結果發現,透過中印兩國官方力量在友誼村建構出華印混居的空間社會特徵,以及顯著一致的援助地景,當地民眾並將對援助成果的滿意轉化為對華人的友好;而當援助者退場後,地方力量浮現,區位上的弱勢與社區共同議題促使內部民眾益加密切往來,創造出友誼村村民的集體認同與族群通婚,華人的社會網絡則是解決社區經濟的一大關鍵。整體而言,藉由官方與民間不同時期的作用,營造出現今的友好社區形象。   然而,在沒有充足法律規範和執行下,友誼村內住宅改造活動蓬勃發展,援助成品亦出現商品化的現象。作為災後跨國援助象徵友誼村,當居民的身分不再是「災民」,援助方所建構出的均一援助地景逐漸在地化,其所蘊含的紀念性亦漸漸抹平,目前友好的族群關係是否再起變化,值得持續關注。


The post-disaster reconstruction of Indian Ocean Tsunami at the end of 2004 was the largest cross-border humanitarian aid operations in recent years. This study is to focus on “the Friendship Village of Indonesia- China” (thereafter The Friendship Village) in Aceh of Indonesia, built by the Chinese government as cross-border humanitarian aid for post-disaster off-site residential reconstruction. Three research questions are particularly asked in the thesis: first, how and what the Friendship Village space be constructed; second, how the donors and local people construct the social relations especially the ethnic relationships between Chinese and Acehnese; and third, how the aid products resist the time exam.   The Friendship Village was a post-disaster permanent residential reconstruction donated by the Chinese government in a remote area far away from the downtown. The Tsunami victim housing relocation dominated by the Indonesian government was in a format of ethnic-spatial non-segregation between Chinese and Indonesians. The location disadvantages plus ethnic-spatial mixed arrangement offered an opportunity for new residents in the Friendship Village to interact more often and closer not only within Chinese and Acehnese themselves but also between both ethnic groups. The community identity as the villagers of the Friendship Village emerged, which came along with the better social relationship between Chinese and Acehnese. However, due to insufficient regulations, certain villagers redecorated their assigned houses through various spatial means within years. In addition, other villagers even traded their assigned houses to outsiders. These spatial and social changes challenged the previous community operation and ethnic interaction that had been created soon after the establishment of the Friendship Village.


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