  • 學位論文


A Study on the Damage Compensation Systems of Food Safety Related Incidents

指導教授 : 劉宗榮
共同指導教授 : 汪信君(Hsin-Chun Wang)


有鑒於近年來台灣的食安風暴不斷,食品事件層出不窮,進而促進我國食品安全法制的相關改革;惟與消費者權益保障息息相關的事後救濟部分,則未見深入的探討。因此,本文欲聚焦在食品事件的損害填補機制,而從食品事件的性質出發,分別就現行的損害填補機制為檢討,並提出建議,冀求建立一個更完善、更全面的食品事件損害填補機制,以達到消費者保護之目的。 食品事件由於具有當事人廣泛、請求內容擴散不確定、兩造攻防地位不對等等特性,導致消費者尋求救濟時遭遇困難。在侵權法損害賠償的部分,消費者往往面臨責任要件的舉證困難,而尤其表現在「損害」及「因果關係」兩部分;對此,本文欲透過外國法上面對此類現代侵權事件下所產生的「機會喪失」、「風險升高」乃至於「疫學因果關係」等相關理論,嘗試在我國現行法的架構下為應用,以突破我國傳統侵權法理論面對食品事件時所產生的困境。除此之外,隨著侵權法朝向分配正義的發展趨勢,責任保險的相輔相成乃成為侵權法制度得否實踐的重要角色;對此,我國除一般商業性的責任保險之外,更在2000年時於食品安全衛生管理法新增了「食品業強制責任保險」之規定;惟該制度的設計上過於簡陋,亦未確切落實,加上責任保險本質上必然會面臨的基礎責任建立等問題,導致該規定的實效性大打折扣。進而,考量現行損害填補機制面對食品事件性質所凸顯的不足,似有必要思考透過補償制度來予以補足;對此,我國在2014年於食品安全衛生管理法中新增了「食品安全保護基金」之規定,自其立法緣由,似有作為消費者損害填補之用意,惟觀其制度設計上,並未見此精神,而僅對消保團體等為訴訟的相關費用補助,消費者甚至不具申請資格。據此,本文欲重新檢視「食品安全保護基金」在食品事件損害填補機制中的定位,而對現行制度為檢討,並提出建議;終極目標則在於透過侵權法、責任保險以及基金三大制度的修正與整合,建立一個更完善的食品事件損害填補機制。


In view of the food safety related incidents happened in Taiwan in recent years, there have been lots of discussions about the reforms of our food safety management and legal systems; however, the damage compensation aspect of the problem has not been the center of the discussions. Therefore, this thesis aims at the damage compensation systems of food safety related incidents in hopes of improving our current systems and ultimately building better ones in order to protect the rights of food consumers. Due to the nature of food safety related incidents, they often appear to affect a wide range of people, cause unpredictable damage and therefore result in multiple difficulties for the consumers when it comes to pursuing damage compensation. In the aspect of tort, the biggest obstacle is to establish the elements in the tort action; among them are the “damage” and “causation” which are often the most difficult ones for the plaintiff to prove. On these grounds, this thesis tries to introduce foreign theories, such as “Loss of a Chance Doctrine”, “Increased Risks Doctrine” and “Causation in Epidemiology”, to solve the problems within our current legal structure. In addition, as the tort law developing towards “Distributive Justice”, the role of liability insurance has become more and more important. A new article regarding compulsory liability insurance for food business has been added into the Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation in 2000; however, it barely achieves any result because of its poor legislation and execution; moreover, the nature of liability insurance along with its principles have set up the barrier for consumers to pursue damage compensation. In view of the limitation and insufficiency of the current systems mentioned above, this thesis tries to introduce compensation fund as the final puzzle to complete the damage compensation system regarding food safety incidents. Despite the fact that a new article of “food safety protection fund” has been added to the Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation in 2014, it doesn’t plug the loophole since it only subsidizes certain entities, which do not include consumers. Therefore this paper tries to reexamine the role of the fund and ultimately reconstruct it as part of the damage compensation systems of food safety related incidents.


