  • 學位論文


Rethinking of Criminal Policy and Treatment on Drug Use - Focusing on the experiences of Portugal, Colombia, Chile, Brazil and Uruguay

指導教授 : 謝煜偉


傳統藥物政策支持以發動刑罰之方式對待施用藥物者,並將成癮與犯罪相連結,認為刑事司法得有效解決藥物問題。近年來,傳統思維受到批評與質疑,我國遂修法改採取結合模式,強調先治療後刑罰制度、加強成癮者病患色彩、增加檢察官緩起訴處分機會等。然歷經多次修法,我國藥物施用率不減反增,縱使擴大機構外處遇之發動、加強戒癮治療、減少刑罰發動措施亦未能有效改善,可能原因在於我國政策忽略發動刑事司法後產生之副作用。 本論文以葡萄牙、哥倫比亞、智利、巴西以及烏拉圭藥物政策及處遇制度為對象進行比較與分析,發現上述國家皆選擇揚棄傳統藥物政策支持之司法懲治模式,改採取醫療模式以及納入減少傷害觀點,認為不可能存在一個無藥物社會,僅得學習與之共存,並於最大限度內減少因施用藥物造成之傷害,同時加強藥物施用者之治療處遇。前述國家對於施用藥物行為均採取批判傳統藥物政策之立場,分別設計有條件除罪化政策、戒癮法庭、刑罰替代措施或軟性藥物全面合法化之政策模式,重新詮釋施用藥物行為,試圖藉此減少施用傷害、社會污名以及刑事司法之發動。 據此,本文以批判犯罪學視角切入,提供一套不同於傳統之藥物政策與處遇,減害為藥物制度中不可或缺之存在概念,減害政策包含減少個人施用造成之自我傷害、減少因施用造成之社會連帶傷害以及減少因發動刑事司法造成之間接傷害三大層面,我們於設計藥物政策及處遇制度過程中,需緊扣減害三大面向,應以減少刑事司法發動為基礎重建藥物政策,揚棄傳統嚴刑峻罰模式。


Traditional drug policy has supported a criminal approach to drug use, linking addiction to crime, and believing that criminal justice is an effective solution to the drug problem. In recent years, however, such traditional thinking has been criticized and questioned. Therefore, Taiwan has amended the law to adopt an integrated model, emphasizing treatment before punishment, strengthening the identity of an addict as a patient, and increasing the opportunities for prosecutors to grant deferred prosecution, etc. However, after repeated amendments to the law, the rate of drug use in Taiwan has increased rather than decreased. Despite expanding the initiation of non-institutional treatment, enhancing addiction treatment, and reducing the initiation of criminal penalties, the drug use rate has not been effectively reduced. One of the possible reasons for this is that Taiwan's policy has ignored the side effects of initiating criminal justice proceedings. This thesis analyzes the drug policies and treatment systems in Portugal, Colombia, Chile, Brazil, and Uruguay, and finds that all of these countries have chosen to abandon the judicial punishment model supported by traditional drug policy, and adopted a medical model while incorporating a harm reduction approach, denoting that since it is impossible to have a drug-free society, it is crucial to learn to coexist with it, and minimize the harm caused by drug use while enhancing the therapeutic treatment of drug users. The aforementioned countries have adopted a critical stance on the traditional drug policy with regard to drug use, designing policy models such as conditional decriminalization, addiction treatment courts, alternatives to punishment, or legalization of soft drugs to reinterpret drug use in an attempt to reduce drug use harm, social stigma and the initiation of criminal justice. Accordingly, this thesis provides a different set of drug policy and treatment system from a critical criminological perspective. Harm reduction policy is an indispensable concept in the drug system. The harm reduction policy includes three aspects, namely, reducing self-harm caused by individual's drug use, reducing social collateral harm caused by drug use, and reducing indirect harm caused by the initiation of criminal justice. In the process of designing drug policy and treatment system, the foregoing three aspects need to be taken into account so as to rebuild drug policy on the basis of reducing criminal justice proceedings, abandon the traditional punishment model.


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