  • 學位論文

Solarize Consulting 商業企劃書

Solarize Consulting Business Plan

指導教授 : 韓廷允


The business plan looks at the global growing trend of solar energy and dials down into the market in Taiwan, where the domestic market has remained stagnant. Despite the technological breakthrough has enabled solar to become a more practical option of power generation, it yet remains less cost effective than conventional sources of energy, resulting in the growth of residential solar capacity primarily an effort of the incentive schemes initiated by the government. Following the footsteps of other countries, Taiwan has also adopted and began implementation of such incentive scheme to proactively grow its solar generation capacity. In spite of this, other challenges such as the technicality of the processes, financing, and the complex ownership status all become significant headwinds for solar to flourish in the Taiwan market. To counter these particular challenges, the business plan details a tailored solution of integrating consultation in multiple areas into the solar system design and installation business model, to create a total solution that would greatly reduce the challenge and barriers to become solar system owner in Taiwan today. The service and products offered will bridge the gaps of project execution, simplifying much of the hurdle involved in the process, so solar has a better chance to grow in Taiwan.


Solar Industry Data. (n.d.). Retrieved from Solar Energy Industries Association: http://www.seia.org/research-resources/solar-industry-data
Anderson, T. (2016, November 25). Wind vs. Solar. Retrieved from IOWA Wind and Solar: https://www.iowawindandsolar.com/wind-vs-solar/
Baumgaertner, J. (2013). The Solar Value Chain. Retrieved from Green Rhino Energy: http://www.greenrhinoenergy.com/solar/industry/ind_valuechain.php
Bureau of Energy. (2016, September). 2016年能源產業技術白皮書. Retrieved from https://www.google.com.tw/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=4&ved=0ahUKEwjZ8cziq5zTAhUCwbwKHconA0kQFggxMAM&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.moeaboe.gov.tw%2FECW%2Fpopulace%2Fcontent%2FwHandMenuFile.ashx%3Ffile_id%3D416&usg=AFQjCNHDl7ckGr8UCyPUqx8B3ZC41n345A&sig2
Bureau of Energy. (2016, December 13). 中華民國一百零六年度再生能源電能躉購費率及其計算公式. Retrieved from http://gazette.nat.gov.tw/EG_FileManager/eguploadpub/eg021232/ch04/type1/gov31/num7/OEg.pdf
