  • 學位論文


A Study on Factors Influencing Individual Adaptation to Flood

指導教授 : 蔡博文




In general, the low-lying areas are flood-prone areas. In Taiwan, however, the flood-prone urban areas usually caused by the human factors which including over exploitation, river reservation captured, the bad design of drainage and Embankment. When flood occurred, some household taken adaptation to mitigate the impact of flood, and other did not. Why some household take flood adaptation while others do not? To answer this question, a research conception of adaptation based on Hazard Perception, Protection Motivation Theory and Adaptive Capacity is developed, explaining adaptation by residents’ previous flood experience, psychological cognition, risk of future floods, flood adaptation appraisal, and adaptive capacity. The participants in this study are home in Hou-Qi, Xinzhuang district, New Taipei City. The Sampling method is purposive sampling. Results of the study show the explanatory power of the logistic model with five factors as mentioned above. To motivate residents in flood-prone urban areas to take more adaptation, it is essential to find which group has less probable to take apaptation and improve theirs’ flood adaptation appraisal.


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