  • 學位論文


The Formation and Consolidation of the Democratic State of Taiwan: Interrelations of International Law and Constitution

指導教授 : 張文貞


1949年以來,台灣不是被界定為中國的一個省,就是被拿來和中華民國混爲一談。「台灣」, 這個國際社會對這個島嶼公認的稱呼,至今無法作爲台灣的官方名稱出現在國内外各種場合。1950-60年代,全世界殖民地自決權運動風起雲湧之際,流亡到台灣的蔣氏政權宣稱中華民國流亡政府仍是全中國的合法政府,這個宣稱受到了冷戰時期大國對聯合國政治操控的助紂爲虐,而被犧牲掉的是台灣人的自決權和主體意識。在1990年代的台灣民主化運動中,台灣人仍然無法擺脫統獨問題的桎梏,學界和政界在内國法層面確立了「中華民國在台灣」的理論基礎,導致「中華民國」在國際法上不被承認,卻在内國法上繼續存在的荒謬現象。台灣民主改革之後的30多年裏,在國内政治上,圍繞統獨問題不斷内耗,導致發展的停滯;在對外關係上,因爲受制於「一個中國」原則而寸步難行。事實證明,「中華民國在台灣」的理論無法經受起時間和實踐的檢驗。 「中華民國在台灣」之所以無法被國際社會所接受,究其原因,是因爲學術界一直把國際法和内國憲法分開討論和研究,而沒有意識到這兩者之間的連動關係。本文回顧台灣歷史,探究導致台灣今天法律地位困境的歷史原因,將國際法的國家理論和實踐涵攝到中華民國和台灣的國家地位認定。本文首先論證中華民國和台灣在國際法上是兩個不同的主體,進一步將國際上自決權運動和台灣民主轉型與憲法的發展演變相結合,以實質憲法理論的主權在民内涵,説明台灣在憲政改革過程中如何有效的行使了自決權。本文主張,在中華民國憲法框架下的内國憲法詮釋上,必須將國際法上的自決權和内國法上的人民主權相結合,才能合理的解釋台灣的法律地位。


Since 1949, Taiwan was either be designated as a province of China or be confused with the Republic of China, and its current constitution name “Republic of China” (ROC) Constitution, has led to confusion about Taiwan’s legal status and its relations with China. The confusing identity of Taiwan is due to complex historical factors, international power plays and political calculus. For a long time, the legal status of Taiwan has been considered as a legal limbo, due to the traditional, separatist understanding of international laws and constitutions. Under that understanding, a declaration of invalidity in international law does not necessarily bear legal consequences in the domestic national system. On the other hand, legal status of a territorial unit is not solely determined by the municipal law of that state. This thesis argues that the legal status of Taiwan cannot be well explained by closely looking into the interfaces between international law and constitution. As a matter of fact, international laws and constitutions have much more complex interfaces than one would have expected. An independent sovereign state cannot obtain its full sovereignty until its constitutional independence is attained. The concept of self-determination in international law is also closely associated with the concept of popular sovereignty in constitutional law; the central tenet of both is that the legitimacy of law is based on the consent of the governed. Centering on the concept of human subjectivity, this Thesis looks back into the history of Taiwan and the historical background that put Taiwan at today’s dilemma, providing a critical reappraisal of each relevant party’s positions, and exploring the legal status of Taiwan from an interactive perspective of international law and constitution. By examining the interfaces of international laws and constitutions, this Paper has found that the legal status of Taiwan as an independent sovereign state has already been attained in the eyes of both international law and constitutional law, and suggests that the confusing identity of Taiwan should be rectified to consolidate this status.


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