  • 學位論文


The Study on the Privatization of Public Pension Schemes in Latin America

指導教授 : 蘇彩足


拉丁美洲自1980年代起,先後有智利、秘魯、阿根廷、哥倫比亞,烏拉圭、玻利維亞、墨西哥、薩爾瓦多、哥斯大黎加與多明尼加共和國等國家,相繼投入一場公共年金民營化的改革試驗。它們以個人化與私部門化的方向,對過往公共年金體系進行結構重整,陸續將屬於確定給付性質的隨收隨付制,改制成確定提撥的個人儲蓄帳戶制(基金制)。 稽其改革緣由,長期而言是對人口結構未來的老化威脅預作因應,近程的理由則是為求消弭財務危機。至於引導此波公共年金改革之意識型態,乃是新自由主義,新自由主義所倡導的自由化、市場化與民營化等價值,在1980與1990年代成為這些拉丁美洲國家施政上的變革方向,舉凡貿易、稅制、貨幣,公營事業,乃至於公共年金,紛紛成為此時期拉丁美洲各國從事改革的首要目標。 拉丁美洲這種民營化的公共年金體系,目前已成為一項獨特的區域特徵,亦是年金改革上的重要試驗。本文主要透過一種全觀型的視角,鳥瞰拉丁美洲國家整體公共年金民營化之運作情形,並藉由可量化的總體經濟與社會指標,依公平與效率兩大面向,以次級資料分析方法來進行政策檢討。 在效率面的部分,吾人發現公共年金民營化的確能帶來可觀的年金基金累積值,投資報酬率也有所提升,惟民間基金管理公司收取之佣金頗高,且新制對於工作人口之涵蓋率依舊還是偏低。至於公平面的部分,拉丁美洲國家公共年金之民營化,讓性別差異的現象得到小幅改善,各國在改制後多半已不再維持一個獨立的公務人員退休金制度,此有助於增進職業平等,而最重要的是,個人儲蓄帳戶制也較能避免產生世代間負擔比重失衡的弊病。 透過本研究對拉丁美洲公共年金民營化的說明與介紹,一般讀者在閱讀後,將能對此區域之民營化公共年金體系概況,取得一定程度的認識,而研究人員則可以參酌運用本文的引述資料,按圖索驥,進行後續更深入的探討與耕耘,相信本文應能讓公共年金之研究視野更加廣闊、更有全面性。


Since 1980s, about ten countries in Latin America have become a laboratory for the privatization of public pension schemes. These countries are Chile, Peru, Argentina, Colombia, Uruguay, Bolivia, Mexico, El Salvador, Costa Rica and Dominican Republic. They switched from state-sponsored pay-as-you-go (PAYG) to fully funded pension systems based on individual accounts, and thus the old defined benefit (DB) formula were replaced with a defined contribution (DC) structure. The privatization of public pension schemes in Latin America have already become a unique regional characteristic at present; it is also an important test on the reform of public pension. This thesis gets a bird's-eye view of the operation of Latin American public pension privatization, and by using research methods of secondary data analysis, we evaluate such policies in the dimesions of efficiency and fairness with economic and social indicators. In this study, we find public pension privatization could help accumulate considerable pension fund, and the rate of returns of investment is raised to some extent too. However, the commission that the private companies collected is quite high, and the new systems still had very low coverage. As for the fair part, the privatization of Latin American country's public pension let the gender issues improved slightly, most countries don’t keep an independent retirement system of civil service any more, last but not least, the fully funded system could avoid the out-of-balance disadvantage among generations. With this research and its explanation, general readers could understand the privatization of public pensions in Latin America, and researchers may also use this article like following up a clue and carry on deep discussion and cultivation. This article could make the research of public pensions more holistic and comprehensive.


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Arenas de Mesa, A. & Mesa-Lago, C. (2006). The Structural pension reform in Chile: effects, comparisons with other Latin American reforms, and lessons. Oxford review of economic policy, 21, 149-167.
Brooks, S. M. (2005). Interdependent and domestic foundations of policy change: the diffusion of pension privatization around the world. International Studies Quarterly, 49, 273-294.
