  • 學位論文


A Dual Dimension Model Construction for Employee's Performance Prediction

指導教授 : 黃崇興




Key talent determines the extent of enterprise development. A company’s failure to put their talent retention and talent development in order will become a barrier to its continued development. Therefore, the identification and selection of key talent are top priorities for enterprises. Differing from past studies concerned with talent identification merely from a work efficiency perspective, this study performs an analysis of the two dimensions of potential and skills, and develops an accurate work performance prediction model in order to help enterprises select talents with the most suitable skill set and potential. Because “skill” can be used to predict a person's level of work performance in a particular job, skill is a personal characteristic of potential showing a high degree of causal relationship with work performance. “Potential” is “an employee’s characteristics influencing the long-term development of that person”, or the “ability to adapt to a continuously changing business environment, and to keep oneself competent for increasingly complex roles”. Because of the rapid changes in the industrial environment, an individual is more able to adapt to the dramatic changes, in the environment. Therefore diagnosing one’s potential talent will become a critical success factor in the war for talents. In view of this, the purposes of this study are: 1. Construct a staff potential analysis model to serve as a basis to inventory staff potential; 2. Construct a staff skills analysis model, to serve as a basis to inventory staff skills. 3. Construct an analysis framework for the systematic analysis of the correlations between staff potential and staff skills to serve as a performance prediction model whose outcomes may offer references for talent development and talent retention. This study investigated a Taiwanese high-tech company as its research object, and first invited academic experts to participate in the industry-academe cooperation of this study to construct a staff potential analysis model and a staff skills analysis model. Next, the potential dimension and the skills dimension were combined in a two-dimensional model which established a fourfold typology derived from high/low potential and high/low skills, which sought to predict differences in work performance. This study investigated a sample of 203 executives and employees as study subjects. The results clearly demonstrated a positive predictive value of potential and specialized skills regarding work performance. The fourfold typology derived from high/low potential and high/low skills demonstrates significant differences in the prediction results for the four employee types. Clearly, the two-dimensional model of potential and professional skills can be used as a predictor of talent performance. Finally, the study discusses its main implications and research limitations, and offers suggestions for future research and management practice.


林添瑞,2013,中小企業轉型之人才發展機制探討-以G 公司為例,國立政治大學經營管理碩士學程企業家組碩士論文。
