  • 學位論文


From Divine God To Human Goddess: On The Transformation Of Avalokitesvara In China.

指導教授 : 鄭毓瑜


就印度佛教而言,觀世音菩薩是非男非女身,但是佛教觀音在中國流傳時卻變為女神,究竟中國觀音是為什麼,以及什麼時候轉變成女神的呢?本論文跨越宗教、藝術、文學、心理分析學等領域來探討這個問題,而且對前人的說法一一辨析。 筆者針對中國觀音進行主題式深入研究,認為中國觀音變成女神是中國接受觀音史的終局,也是佛教中國化成果的一部份。中國觀音完全變成女神是經過一段很長的時間,首先是有女形觀音的產生,後有觀音女神的形成,這演變的過程大約可分為三個階段,分別是:中國接受觀音信仰、中國接受女形觀音,以及中國建構觀音女神。因此,本論文在第二章討論中國觀音信仰,第三章討論魏晉南北朝至唐朝,中國如何受到印度佛教的影響產生女形菩薩像,以及中國接受女形觀音,而且唐朝有哪些因素使得觀音能持續朝女形發展。第四、五、六章則是討論宋朝的佛教情勢如何有利使觀音變成女神,宋朝人在已有女形觀音的基礎上,如何由外向內為中國觀音建構女神的特質,乃至以民間傳說為中國觀音創建了女神原型,這些女神原型是以榮格(C.G.Jung)弟子埃利希.諾伊曼Erich.Neumann(1905-1960)的「Great Mother」大母神原型理論為標準。 結論認為基於中國民族集體無意識中渴求大母神崇拜的心理,必定會將中國佛教中同時在曼荼羅的形象方面,以及菩薩威神力方面條件皆具足的觀音徹底變成女神。宋朝完成中國觀音女神的建構,而女性觀音藉由宗教感應、繪塑像、傳說故事、話本、小說、戲曲等不同的媒介流傳,從此成為中國民族集體記憶的一部分,歷代以來,中國民族不斷地從觀音為女神的集體記憶中汲取、建立對觀音的印象,因此中國觀音當然就固定落入女性形貌,無法再回復「男兒身」了!


妙善公主 原型 馬郎婦 大母神 中國觀音


Avalokitesvara (Kuan-yin), the Bodhisattva of Compassion, in India is neither female nor male, but always sculptured in the form of an Indian prince. However, After Avalokitesvara was introduced into China, he was gradually transformed into a goddess. This thesis, ranging from religion, arts, literature to analytic psychology etc., focuses on the reason, time and process of the transformation. And the previous scholars’ points of view are also discussed. The transformation of Avalokitesvara in China took a long time. It began with the acception of Avalokitesvara and ended with the construction of female Kuan-yin. The transformation can be divided into three processes: the acception of Avalokitesvara, the acception of female Avalokitesvara, and the construction of Chinese female Kuan-yin. The acception of Avalokitesvara will be discussed in chapter 2. Chapter 3 will discuss the acception of female Avalokitesvara during the T’ang Dynasty, including the forming of female Bodhisattva sculptures and paitings in China, and the factors that influenced Avalokitesvara to maintain the female form. Chapter 4,5, and 6 will discuss how Buddhism in the Sung Dynasty is advantageous for Kuan-yin to become a goddess. People in the Sung Dynasty not only accepted the female figure of Kuan-yin, but also constructed the goddess’s character for Kuan-yin. They even composed female legends for Kuan-yin. The goddess’s character and archetype of Kuan-yin discussed is based on Erich.Neumann(1905-1960)’s “Great Mother” theory. According to the the Great Mother archetype in the collective unconscious of Chinese people, it is inevitable for Avalokitesvara to become a goddess. This is because in the Sung Dynasty, Kuan-yin in form as well as in character is well-prepared to be a goddess. After the completion of female Kuan-yin in the Sung Dynasty, the concept of female Kuan-yin is spread through legends, sculptures, paitings, miracle tales, novels, drama etc. Therefore, female Kuan-yin has become part of the collective memory of Chinese people. Since then, Chinese Kuan-yin has been fixed as a goddess.


Great Mother Kuan-yin Archetype Miao-shan Mrs. Ma


”Miracle Tales and the Domestication of Kuan-yin” Chun-Fang Yu于君方(<觀音靈驗故事>),中華佛學學報,1998年
“Ambiguity of Avalokitesvara and the Scriptural Sources for the Cult of Kuan-yin in China” Chun-Fang Yu于君方(<觀音菩薩的經典依據及其名號和其他一些不明問題>),《中華佛學學報》,1997年7月


