  • 學位論文


Deconstruction and Reconstruction of Family-State Relationship and Familial Order in People's Republic of China

指導教授 : 陳明通


中國傳統家庭在中共建政初期是重點打擊的組織,而家規、家訓是爲了延續與發展家庭而作,亦被視爲「封建糟粕」。但2014年起,中共開展「立家規、傳家訓、樹家風」運動,政策出現大幅轉折。歸納此運動的成因、特色與意義,是本文要務。 本文從明清家國關係與家內秩序開始考察,發現國家一直試圖將力量伸向家庭內部事務,但力量又常不足,反而需要倚重家庭進行統治。自晩清以來,傳統家庭一直飽受批判,成爲當代中國人印象中壓迫獨立人格的萬惡之源。這種思想與主張消滅私有制的共產主義合流,形成中共建政初期對傳統家庭以批判、壓制權威、改變秩序爲主的基本對策。舊秩序破壞後,新秩序未妥善建立之際,改革開放鬆綁了意識形態鬆綁,婦女運動削弱了男性家長的權威,計劃生育與現代化使父母溺愛子女而不講原則與理性,家內秩序失控。同時,由於過度宣傳捨家爲國的模範,也使民衆產生家國關係對立的印象。 面臨家國之間的選擇時,多數人不講原則的投向感情親近的家庭。家庭遂成爲官員腐敗動機與手段,這種現象被稱爲「家庭式腐敗」。從「家庭式腐敗」頻發,中共意識到了家庭失控對國家的危害,並有意改善。在習近平的新時代,國家採用新宣傳手段,重新定義家國關係及傳統家訓的面貌,試圖將中國家庭改造爲以黨紀國法建立家訓,以黨性最純的家庭成員爲家長,具有教育、宣傳、監督功能的統治工具。


During 1950s-1970s, traditional Chinese families were deliberately suppressed by the CCP. Family instructions and family precepts were built to maintain and expand families, thus they were regarded as "feudalistic dregs". However, since 2014, the CCP launched a campaign called "building family instructions, inheriting family precepts, and establishing family values", and there is a U-turning of policy. The aim of this thesis is to find out causes, characteristics, and significances of this campaign. This thesis started from researching family-state relationship and familial order of Ming and Qing China, and found out that the state continuously tried to control internal affairs of families, but often fail because of the weak power. On the contrary, the state often relies on family while governing. Since the late-Qing, traditional Chinese families were subjected to various critiques, and became the root of suppressed personality in the imagination of PRC people. These thoughts converged with communism which advocates annihilating private ownership of property, and formed the CCP's countermeasure for dealing with traditional families, which is principally a mixture of critiques, suppress of authorities, and change of order. Though the traditional familial order was destroyed, the new order was not well developed. During this period, Chinese economic reform eased restrictions of ideology, while feminist movements weakened male's power and prestige of patriarchs, family planning and modernization led to parents' pampering their children and disregarding of rules and rationally, and families were threw into disorder. At the same time, excess propaganda of models of sacrificing familial interests for the state's good brought PRC people impressions that interests of state and family are antithetical. When facing alternatives between family and the state, most people choose family which holds deep affection without principles. This makes families became motivation and routes of corruption, and this kind of corruption is called "familial corruption". High rates of "familial corruption" brought out the CCP's realization that families out of control harms the state, and the CCP wants to improve them. In Xi Jinping's new era, the state applies new ways of propaganda, which redefine family-state relations and features of traditional family instructions, so that PRC families will be under the Party's family instructions based on party disciplines and laws, and the Party's patriarch who is the most loyal to the Party in the family, so that they will become a kind of governing tool with functions of education, propaganda, and supervision.


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