  • 學位論文


Numerical Models for Shallow Water Equations and Richards Equation

指導教授 : 楊德良




In this dissertation, the multi-dimensional shallow water equations (also called the de Saint Venant equations in its one-dimensional form) and the Richards equation are considered. The motivation is to develop a convenient, efficient and accurate numerical scheme for engineering problems. The numerical modeling are used to verify the accuracy, efficiency and applicability of the numerical solutions for the above governing equations. The mainly used numerical methods include the radial basis functions (RBFs) meshless method and the mixed Lagrangian-Eulerian method with finite element method (MLE-FEM). The advantage of the RBF meshless method is to avoid the mesh generation and numerical integration in complicate domain problems. However, the full matrix system in the computing spends a lot of computational resource and time. The localized meshless method is applied in this study to avoid the full matrix solver. By considering only the important reference points, the computational cost can be reduced without losing much accuracy. By using the concept of particle tracking along the characteristic lines, the problems with discontinued field values can be solved. However, this method is not accurate in directly solving the highly non-linear problems, such as the saturated-unsaturated ground water flow problems. The computational efficiency will reduce if we increase the computational nodes blindly. In this study, the governing equations are derived into advection forms, and are solved by the MLE-FEM scheme. The simulative results are efficient and accurate by adapting computational nodes while tracking the particles. By combining the meshless methods and the particle tracking technique, the numerical methods have high applicability with high efficiency and accuracy in complicate boundary problems, such as shallow water and Richards equations.


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