  • 學位論文


Growth Analysis of Planted Seedlings and Design of Environmental Education in Mixed Coniferous Broad-leaved Plantation

指導教授 : 林增毅


生物多樣性為現今人工林經營中非常重要的目標,一般認為結構複雜度較高的森林因具有豐富的物種棲地,亦應造就較高的生物多樣性。全臺灣第四次森林資源調查,臺灣的森林面積為2,197,090 ha,森林的覆蓋率為60.71%,其中針闊葉混合林在全部森林面積之中僅佔有7%,人工針闊葉混合林更只占全森林面積的2%。本研究在臺灣大學實驗林管理處溪頭營林區第2林班49-1號造林地內進行試驗,分別使用針闊葉一級木:烏心石(Magnolia compressa)與香杉(Cunninghamia konishii)這兩種常見造林樹種,探討不同比例栽種之下的針闊葉混合林之苗木林分結構,目標從1:1(香杉:烏心石)3:1(香杉:烏心石)、1:3(香杉:烏心石)之多種組合之中找出綜合指標最佳的人工針闊葉混合林之比例,來增加森林之結構複雜度以達成生物多樣性,此為目前人工林經營中的重要項目之一。此外本研究融合環境教育五大目標與參考森林環境教育課程綱要發展出一套適合社會大眾森林環境教育-混合人工林課程,以便增進社會民眾們對於人工林的認識,更進一步瞭解有關於混合的知識,最終培養出國民愛林、保林的環境意識與行動。


Biodiversity conservation is a very important goal in today's plantation forest management. It is generally believed that forests with higher stand structural complexity should also result in higher biodiversity by providing rich habitats for species. In the Taiwan Fourth National Forest Resource Survey Taiwan, forest area is estimated to be about 2.2 million ha, and the forest coverage rate is 60.71%. The coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest accounts for only 7% of the total forest area. Planted coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest accounts for 2% of the total forest area. This study was conducted at an afforestation experiment located in the Xitou Forest Management District of the National Taiwan University Experimental Forest. The planted tree species are coniferous and broad-leaved trees: Magnolia compressa and Cunninghamia konishii. Both tree species belong to the first-grade species. This study explores seedling tree structures of coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forests planted in different proportions. The goal is to understand which planting ratio of coniferous and broad-leaved tree species would be best in rehabilitating a harvested area. The intention of different planting ratio is to induce stand structural diversity of the reforested area to achieve biodiversity, which is an important goal in the current plantation management. In addition, this research integrates the five goals of environmental education specifically from the forest environmental education curriculum to develop a forest environmental education for mixed plantation establishment. The education course is developed so that it is suitable for general public in order to enhance public understanding of mixed forest plantations and roles of plantation in general. Lastly, it is also the intention of the course to promote environmental awareness and actions of the public to love and protect forests.


4.邱志明、孫銘源、湯適謙、余啟瑞(2010)香杉受害人工林複層林之建造- 林下六種濶葉樹之生長。中華林學季刊,43(1):39-54。
5.洪富文,程煒兒,陳正豐(1996)六年生臺灣櫸與臺灣赤楊混合人工林的生長與相關的土壤性質。臺灣林業科學,11(1)103 -108。
