  • 學位論文


Constructing Issue Network Diagrams of Renewable Energy in Taiwan:The Case of the Sixth and Seventh Terms Legislative Yuan

指導教授 : 林子倫


受到全球化石燃料供應的不穩定及其所造成的過量二氧化碳排放,促使台灣政府逐漸重視再生能源的議題。而議題網絡的概念有別於過去鐵三角的封閉系統,它強調各方利害關係人會建立以議題為中心的複雜開放網絡關係;加上過去政治學界對議題網絡的討論,較少利用既有資料作整體長期的網絡圖像分析,在國會及再生能源相關研究上亦缺乏對行動者全觀性互動連結的討論。是以本研究從立法院公報內容作論述網絡分析,選擇再生能源議題來觀察立法院相關行動者,利用DNA和UCINET網絡分析軟體,呈現第六屆及第七屆前三會期立法院的網絡樣貌。具體而言,本研究透過議題網絡圖像找出核心行動者與主要議題,配合當時的政府運作脈絡,描繪這四年多來,以立法院為場域的再生能源議題網絡樣貌,理解行動者在不同時空背景下,面對再生能源議題的態度及行動,提供台灣對再生能源議題與行動者間關係的全盤體認,反應相當的政治現實。 本研究的主要研究成果分述如下:其一,第六屆及第七屆前三會期立法院院內的朝野對抗皆極為常見,可見一致或分立政府並非造成政府運作波折的唯一因素;其二,從兩屆立法院的整體議題網絡圖來看,網絡關係會隨議題的不同發展而改變;其三,網絡中的行動者組成並不穩定,而兩屆中擁有較多資源及影響力的皆為行政機關人員和特定立委,其程度中心性、中介性與親近性的指標數值皆高,甚至泛綠陣營立委在網絡中佔有的位置比泛藍陣營立委更為核心;其四,再生能源相關的大部分議題,政黨皆給予立委較多的自由表態空間,特別的是,核能議題明白顯示藍綠兩大陣營基本理念的不同;最後,兩屆立法院針對再生能源的主要討論議題,都圍繞在「再生能源研發」、「再生能源之立法」及「再生能源可行性」這三項再生能源議題政策之上,儘管再生能源相關的所有議題皆不免有行動者提出疑慮,「再生能源研發」仍是兩屆立法院各方行動者對再生能源的最大共識,政府應多善加利用此一共識基礎作協調溝通;而再生能源議題網絡圖像在未來也將提供學界更多新的發展空間。


Taiwanese government has put greater emphasis on developing renewable energy in recent years in the context of the fossil fuel shortage and carbon dioxide emissions. Issue networks, which differ from Iron Triangles, allow researchers to focus on not only issue-centered, but complex network relationships between various stakeholders in the field of renewable energy policy. Due to the scholars seldom create long-term issue network diagrams, and lacked of the analysis of interactions between actors at Legislative Yuan in the past, this thesis discussed all the relevant actors at Legislative Yuan about the issue of renewable energy by examining the sixth and seventh terms Legislative Yuan Gazette of Taiwan, and analyzed the gazette by discourse network analysis. The issue network diagrams of the 6th and 7th terms Legislative Yuan is drawn using the software, Discourse Network Analyzer and UCINET. The author then can identify the core actors and issues in different contexts, to know what they did and to understand the considerations for the actors’ behavior in a specific background. The thesis aims to reflect the considerable political reality in Taiwan. In summary, the findings of this thesis are as follows. Firstly, consistent and divided governments in Taiwan is not the only factor which influenced the government’s operations. Secondly, actors’ interaction in issue network diagrams of two terms of Legislative Yuan varied with the different issues. Thirdly, the composition of the actors at two terms of Legislative Yuan is not stable. Moreover, some administrative agents and legislators have more resources and influence than others. These actors also have high scores for degree centrality, betweenness and closeness in network diagrams. Besides, the Pan-Green Coalition is closer the core position in the issue network diagrams than the Pan-Blue one. Fourthly, legislators have some degree of freedom to express attitudes about the renewable energy issues, in addition to “nuclear energy” issue. That is to say, the iuuse of nuclear energy reflects these two major coalitions’ different ideas. Finally, the two terms of Legislative Yuan’s three main issues about renewable energy are “Research and Development”, “Legislation for Renewable Energy”, and “Application Feasibility of Renewable Energy.” Obviously, the issue of “Research and Development” is the greatest consensus on basic renewable energy between all kinds of actors at Legislative Yuan. This thesis suggests that Taiwanese government should use the consensus to promote further public consultations. And issue network diagrams of renewable energy will provide scholars with more space for development in the future.




