  • 學位論文


Using Augmented Reality in a Multi-Screen Environment for Construction Discussion

指導教授 : 康仕仲


在工地現場需要眾人共同討論解決的事情中,最重要便是確認、預測及解決潛在的問題。但目前的討論過程多依賴口頭討論、紙本工程圖說及其他文件。由於大部份的營建專案包含多個工作面,並牽涉跨領域的討論,與會者除了不容易清楚的藉由口頭描述及紙本資料呈現的資訊來理解整個工程狀況,也常因資料過多且雜亂,導致討論時溝通理解產生誤會,更遑論要進行施工情形之預測、解決問題。故本研究提出一視覺化工地討論環境,以將討論中的資訊區分為公共資訊及私有資訊的資訊呈現方式,實作了一名為AR-MS (augmented reality and multi-screen) 之系統,其架構包含一固定式的展示裝置及數個行動裝置,可分別呈現公共及私有的資訊,並利用擴增實境的技術連結公私資訊。AR-MS系統可於討論的過程中,減少不必要的資訊呈現,只顯示關鍵及所需之資訊,提升討論之效率,並以即時的視覺回饋以及直覺式資訊操作的方式來對工地討論進行探討,進而了解工程資訊間的溝通與增加工程資訊在討論上的可讀性和可操作性,並發現與解決工程討論上的問題。為了測試AR-MS系統之效用,本研究以一建築施工環境為驗證案例,設計三項使用者測試題目,抽選36位年齡介於23到35歲,具有土木相關科系學士學位或以上教育程度受測者,分別使用AR-MS與紙本資訊來完成我們歸納出工地討論時會進行的三個重要項目:查詢資訊(data-finding,以下簡稱DF)、預測問題(problem-prediction,以下簡稱PP)以及幫助決策(decision-making以下簡稱DM)。測試結果顯示,在資訊查詢(DF)以及預測問題(PP)方面,使用AR-MS進行工地討論比使用傳統平面工地討論方式所花的時間分別減少了55%與66%,而在使用兩種方式作答時的正確率並沒有顯著差異。然而在幫助決策(DM)方面,使用AR-MS系統所花的完成時間較傳統平面工地討論方式長。這是由於擴增實境技術上的限制所造成,使用者在利用AR-MS系統幫助決策(DM)時,需要藉由重複地嘗試以及辨認圖示來完成,導致了此項測試完成時間較長。測試結果顯示,擴增實境輔助之多螢幕工程討論環境,能提供工程人員更有效地整合公私的資訊,完成資訊查詢與發現問題等工程討論事項。


Discussion is critical in identifying, predicting, and resolving the potential problems in the field of construction. This process relies heavily on oral communication with the assistance of construction drawings, schedules and other related documents. Since most construction projects include multiple working phases and involve multiple parties, it is difficult for participants to clearly grasp the whole picture of a construction site and to make accurate predictions about future activities. In this research, we proposed a visualized environment to facilitate the discussion process. It includes a stationary display called 〃BIM Table〃 for displaying public information and for collaboration among disciplines, and multiple mobile devices for showing private information. We employed augmented reality technologies to connect the BIM Table and the mobile devices as well as the public and private information. We named this discussion environment AR-MS (Augmented Reality and Multi-Screen) system. This system aims to reduce the complexity of discussion information while keeping necessary information available during the entire discussion process. To validate the AR-MS system, a user test with 36 participants (N=36) was conducted. The participants were required to perform the three tasks: data-finding (DF), problem prediction (PP), and decision-making (DM) using both the AR-MS system and the conventional paper-based method. We discovered that the completion time is significantly shortened using the AR-MS system in both DF and PP tasks, while the accuracy in all three tasks showed no significant difference between AR-MS system and conventional method. Based on the results, the AR-MS system can be of benefit in information searching and foreseeing potential problems on a construction site and the discussion process can be made more effective and efficient by its use.


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