  • 學位論文

神經語言程式學(NLP)對工作壓力轉變成效之研究 -以牙醫助理為例

Case Study of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) to The Effectiveness of The Work Pressure Transition —In Dental Assistant Case

指導教授 : 陳鴻基


國際勞工組織(International Labour Office,ILO)於2014 年指出,職業壓力不只是特殊場合或是個人的問題,而是一項漸增明顯的全球趨勢,影響所有職業別的工作人員、所有工作場所及所有國家。科學實證指出某些執業環境確實導致多數人的工作壓力,尤其是工作負荷繁重的醫療執業環境。研究顯示工作壓力不僅影響護理人員的身心健康,且與留任意願、照護品質及病人安全有密切關係。而牙醫助理人員常被要求保持良好的工作態度與熱忱,面對種種的工作壓力所引發的壓力症狀,可能影響員工個人身心的健康與醫療品質。 在1970 年代形成的神經語言程式學(Neuro- Linguistic Programming,簡稱NLP)有許多可從個體內在改變心態的有效技巧可以使用,且可有效減少個體的行為困擾。本研究係從牙醫助理與牙醫診所工作特性角度出發,提出神經語言程式學之壓力轉變抒解方法,以期改善員工之生理及心理健康,也可促進和諧的勞資關係,進而營造職場健康。 本研究以牙醫診所助理人員為研究對象,採隨機對照試驗將樣本分為實驗組和對照組。於實驗前後各發出問卷168份,經資料處理後共計獲得有效問卷164份。女性比率佔97.6%,男性比率佔2.4%,年齡以「25歲以下」的人數最多(36.3%),其次為「26-30歲」(31.3%)。統計分析方面主要採用SPSS22.0統計軟體,分析方法包括描述性、統計卡方檢定(Chi-square test)及獨立樣本t檢定(Independent Sample t-Test)。 本研究證據顯示,神經語言程式學對於助理人員在「職業危害暴露」、「工作生活衝突」、「整體工作壓力」及「個人疲勞」等方面的改善上是有幫助的。依據這些研究結果,希望能提供牙醫診所瞭解助理人員的專業知覺及工作滿足程度,以作為牙醫診所在職教育訓練、任務分配及調整人力資源時的參考依據,協助牙醫診所管理者監測醫療服務品質和改進目標的框架。並期藉由早期壓力源管理,避免持續壓力累積而影響身心健康,甚至降低牙醫助理離職率;並可提供其他醫療院所及相關護理人員管理參考,以促進醫護人員職場健康,降低醫護人員執業健康風險,進而達到最佳的病人照護品質。


The ILO (International Labour Office, ILO) in 2014 noted that occupational stress is not just for special occasions or a personal problem, but a global trend of increasing significantly affect all occupations other staff, all workplaces and all countries. It pointed out that scientific evidence does lead to some environmental practice most people work pressure, especially the heavy workload of medical practice environment. Studies have shown that work stress affects not only the physical and mental health nurses, and with the willingness to remain in office, is closely related to quality of care and patient safety. The dental assistant personnel are often required to maintain a good working attitude and enthusiasm, the face of these work pressure caused by stress symptoms, which may affect the health and quality of care of individual employees and unwind. NLP (Neuro- Linguistic Programming, abbreviated NLP) formed in the 1970s to change the mentality of many individuals from the inner effective techniques can be used, and can effectively reduce the individual's behavior problems. In this study, from the Department of Dental assistants and dental clinics operating characteristics perspective, Neuro-Linguistic Programming raised pressure relieving method of transition, in order to improve physical and mental health of employees, but also to promote harmonious labor relations, and thus create a healthy workplace. In this study, the dentist assistance for the study, a randomized controlled trial mining samples were divided into experimental and control groups. Before and after each test questionnaires sent 168 copies, after data processing to obtain 164 valid questionnaires. Females ratio is 97.6%, males ratio is 2.4%, the largest number in the age of "25 years of age" is (36.3%), followed by "26-30 years" (31.3%). Statistical analysis using SPSS22.0 statistical software, analytical methods including descriptive statistics, Chi-square test and Independent Sample t-Test. The research evidence shows Neuro-Linguistic Programming for assistance in "exposure to occupational hazards," "work-life conflict," on improving the "overall pressure" and "personal fatigue" and other aspects are helpful. Based on these findings, hoping to offer the dentist to understand consciousness and professional assistance for job satisfaction, as dentist-job education and training, task assignment and adjustment reference human resources, to assist the dentist managers monitor the quality of care and services improved framework targets. And by the early pressure source of management against sustained pressure accumulation of physical and mental health, dental assistant or even reduce the turnover rate; and provide other medical institutes and related management reference nurses, health care workers in the workplace to promote health and reduce health care practitioner health risks, and thus achieve the best quality of patient care.


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