  • 學位論文


Drama for Expressing Aspiration:Research on Chinese Drama by Wang Yun of a Female Playwright in Qing Dynasty

指導教授 : 林智莉


王筠是唯一生活在西北地區的少數盛清女曲家之一,她出生於書香世家,穎慧天成,長於詩詞,愛好戲曲,素有大志,未得伸展,透過戲曲創作,一抒胸臆,她創作的兩種傳奇《繁華夢》與《全福記》是少數完整保留至今的盛清女曲家作品,從事清代戲曲研究者多數將她和其他的女曲家集合論述,無從彰顯其個體性及時代性。本文試圖藉由她紀實的詩詞《西園瓣香集》與虛構的兩本戲曲作品,梳理其生命歷程與戲曲構作間的關聯性,除了一探其劇作的藝術價值外,並試圖挖掘出她在劇作中隱含的人生理想追求。 本文首先透過陝西當地的方志紀錄、詩詞及前人研究再考證出王筠的生平大致行誼,分析她的兩種傳奇文本,格局工整但創新不足,但是,她運用跨越現實、閨門及性別等不同的越界書寫策略,刻畫了不得參加科舉,成就美滿繁華人生夢想的失意女子,以「擬男」方式獲得短暫虛幻的滿足,進而展現了主動積極做為情欲主體的女性意識,王筠間接迂迴地呈現劇作的主題意識,並未對社會體制直面抗爭,反而獲得時人讚賞捐資刊刻,她的劇作得以留傳至今。 王筠不能參加科舉是她畢生的遺憾,她的《繁華夢》帶有自況性質,僅怨恨自己身為女子,卻對於造成不公的規範未嘗稍加質疑,《全福記》中的情欲自主女性跟她一樣遵循傳統步入婚姻,為人妻母,傳承家學。基本上,王筠身為當時精英階層的才女,她的省思格局受限,她不但認同並回歸當時的傳統社會體制,成為維護社會秩序的基石。


王筠 繁華夢 全福記 清代女曲家 擬男 言懷


Traditional Chinese drama as a genre of Character Representation is considered, especially for women, suitable for expressing the aspiration which can’t be revealed explicitly in ancient China. That’s why the scarce female playwrights and the connotative meaning of their dramatic works are really worthy of studying. This dissertation explores Wang Yun and her two dramatic works “A Dream of Glory” and “Chuan Fu Record” which are two of the three entirely retained drama works written in High-Qing dynasty. Both plays were about ordinary love stories of traditional man with his wife and concubines. However, the writer applied different aspects of border-crossing writing such as gender, dressing, dream and boudoir to let protagonists transcend into fields as Imperial examination and autonomous marriage that women were forbidden under patriarchy. Though the border-crossing writing and other plots also revealed the writer’s implicit gender conscious but she never spoke out against the gender inequality for her or any other women explicitly. As a talented Qing lady Wang Yun acknowledged the feudalistic gender situation completely. Therefore, the only solution to attend imperial exam was gender crossing instead of fighting against the existing orders. The exam winners might be appointed as imperial officials to acquire a glorious life which Wang Yun had dreamed of for her life. Wang Yun might not be a feminist pioneer as expected by some modern readers because she chose to submitted to the tradition after subtly and indirectly expressing her aspiration in her dramatic works. However, not to break with her social relationship Wang Yun gained her fame being passed from generation to generation.


《列子・周穆王篇》,《老子 莊子 列子》卷五,上海:中華書局,1930年。
