  • 學位論文


The Relationships between Juan-chiuan, Shaug-yan, and Feedback Seeking Behavior, Proactive Personality as the Moderator

指導教授 : 吳宗祐
共同指導教授 : 鄭伯壎(Bor-Shiuan Cheng)




Drawing on cost-value framework, the current study explores the effects of two kinds of authoritian leadership, Juan-chiuan and Shaug-yan, on feedback seeking behavior, examines the mediating effect of feedback seeking behavior on the relationships between Juan-chiuan, Shaug-yan, and performance, and investigates the moderating effect of employee’s proactive personality on the above relationships. We obtained 221 pairs of supervisor-employee dyads in Taiwan enterprises. The results showed that Juan-chiuan was negatively related to feedback seeking behavior, and that Shaug-yan was positively related to feedback seeking behavior. Also, subordinates’ feedback seeking behavior mediated the negative relationship between Juan-chiuan and employee performance as well as the positive relationship between Shaug-yan and employee performance. Furthermore, employee’s proactive personality did not moderate postive relationship between Shan-yan and feedback seeking behavior as well as the negative relationship between Juan-shiuan and feedback seeking behavior. Also, employee’s proactive personality did not moderate the mediating effect of feedback seeking behavior on the positive relationship between Shan-yan and performance as well as the mediating effect of feedback seeking behavior on the negative relationship between Juan-chiuan and employee performance. The implications of results, theoretical contributions, the implications for practitioners, limitations, and future research directions are discussed at the end.


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