  • 學位論文


Application of Balanced Scorecard to Enhance the Effectiveness of Infection Control: A Case Study of A Teaching Hospital

指導教授 : 郭瑞祥


醫療照護相關感染是反映醫療品質及病人安全的最重要指標,隨著醫療技術不斷提升,病人接受侵入性醫療處置的機會增加,加上我國健保制度提供完善且方便的醫療,使高年齡層及免疫功能不全等醫療照護相關感染易感族群病人增多,而近年來國內外新興與再浮現傳染病疫情頻傳,也提高了醫療機構預防與控制醫療照護相關感染的困難度。 感染控制活動最好藉由積極有效的感染控制計畫進行統籌管理。醫院建立感染控制計畫,積極監督和控制相關要素,諸如教育和推動計畫、改良設備及績效回饋等介入手段,均可有效提高醫療人員遵從度,降低院內感染的比率。本研究藉由醫療院所應用平衡計分卡,探討平衡計分卡的觀念,如何導入醫療院所,以提升組織的績效管理系統。並以個案醫院的實施及個案單位分析,透過平衡計分卡策略管理,探討評估其經營策略及績效,作為醫療院所經營管理的參考。透過個案醫院在醫療產業中所處的競爭環境,運用平衡計分卡管理工具點出醫療產業競爭中的關鍵成功因素,並以資訊技術提昇個案醫院感染管制績效,提高個案醫院的競爭優勢,在國內醫療服務界面臨健保困境時,值得醫界參考。 平衡計分卡的理念架構符合醫院關鍵績效指標的建置,並能由單位發揮其管理功能,醫院管理者將其導入績效管理系統,將可以有效提高整體綜效。研究中有幾點結論可提供醫院規劃平衡計分卡時參考:(1)建立新的管理制度需要領導階層的全力支持及科部共識,(2)在設計平衡計分卡的構面及目標管理時需要靈活調整,(3)配合不同屬性單位的績效需要以不同構面評估。隨著國民所得提升、健康意識抬頭,以及全民健保的施行,民眾對於醫療服務水準的要求日益提高,因此,醫院的經營方式不再只是醫療技術的提升與醫療設備的改進,對於醫院的服務品質及效率也愈趨重視,這將會是維繫醫院永續經營與面對醫療市場考驗的關鍵。


Healthcare-related infection is the most important indicator of medical quality and patient safety. With the continuous improvement of medical technology, increasing invasive medical treatment and immune suppressed hosts, healthcare-related infection become an emerging issue to improve the quality of care in medical institutions. However, application of balanced scorecard (BSC) and information technology (IT) to enhance the effectiveness of infection control program has less investigated. The aim of this study is to explore the concept of BSC and IT and how to introduce it into medical institution to improve the performance management. Through the implementation of BSC and IT into the case hospital and case unit, some suggestions could provide to hospital managers: (1) establishment of a new management system requires the full support of the leadership and creating consensus, (2) the design of the BSC objectives need to be flexible and could be adjusted for units, (3) the performance evaluation of attributes from units need to be assessed in different facets. Balanced scorecard concept in line with the hospital key performance indicators. Hospital managers could apply BSC and IT into their performance management system, which will be able to effectively improve the synergy from operating units.


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