  • 學位論文


Study of Propositions of the Democratic Progressive Party in Cross-Strait Political Negotiation

指導教授 : 周繼祥


馬英九總統於2011年10月17日黃金十年記者會說明兩岸互動為「先經後政」,並正式提出屬於兩岸政治協商範疇的「兩岸和平協議」;民進黨亦於十年政綱中再次提出「兩岸和平穩定互動架構」,政治協商顯已成為兩岸三黨未來無法迴避且必須面對的議題。 台灣歷經二次政黨輪替,完成相當接近Samuel P. Huntington所提出的「雙翻轉測驗」(twoturnover test)民主鞏固標準,對民主深化的現今台灣而言,在野的民進黨可能透過定期的民主選舉,成為台灣的執政黨,在成熟的兩黨政治環境下,民進黨在野時的政策主張對國內政治局勢仍有舉足輕重的影響,若未來民進黨取得政權,民進黨對兩岸政治協商的主張更將成為台灣的立場。因此民進黨對兩岸政治協商的主張,勢將影響兩岸未來政治協商的可能演變與發展。 研究採用文獻分析法、深入訪談法,以及比較研究法,透過訪談民進黨內對兩岸政策制定、決策過程中具影響力者,了解現今民進黨對兩岸政治協商的主張。研究發現,民進黨黨內似已對「不預設對話前提,雙監督、雙公投」此主張取得高度共識,以及另有隱而不宣的「待時空環境背景成熟才進行協商」的附加內部共識。研究最後試圖提出政策與後續研究建議,期待民進黨對於兩岸政治協商的主張能為更多數的台灣人民所接受,並為兩岸關係的和平發展帶來增益。


On his “Golden Decade” press conference on October 17, 2011, President Ma Ying-Jeou explained that when interacting with Mainland China, the government would address “economic issues before political ones”. Ma also proposed the possibility of entering into a cross-strait peace agreement. In the meantime, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) also proposed the establishment of a “Framework of Cross-Strait Peace and Stability” in its 10-year political platform. It seems that political negotiation has become an inexorable cross-strait issue for the three major political parties in Taiwan. After two political turnovers, democracy in Taiwan has become more stable according to Samuel P. Huntington’s “two-turnover test”. With the quadrennial presidential election in Taiwan, the opposition party, the DPP, has the opportunity to become the ruling party. With a mature bi-party political system in place, as the opposition party, the DPP has already had a significant influence on Taiwan’s politics with its political propositions. If the DPP takes over the reins of government in the future, its cross-strait policies would become the official policies of Taiwan. In such a case, its propositions in cross-strait political negotiation would certainly determine the direction and development of cross-strait relations between Taiwan and Mainland China. The study adopted documentary analysis, in-depth interview and comparative research methods. To learn about the DPP’s propositions in cross-strait political negotiation, the DPP members influential in the policy-making of cross-strait relations were also interviewed. The study found that the DPP members have reached a consensus for “dialogues without preconceptions, dual-supervision and dual-referendum”. In addition, another implicit consensus was that cross-strait negotiation should wait until the time is right and an appropriate setting is ready. Suggestions for future policy-making and studies were made in hope that the DPP’s cross-strait policies would be better accepted by the people of Taiwan and benefit a peaceful development of cross-strait relations.




