  • 學位論文


Taipei International Flora Exposition:The Political-Economic Analysis of the Policy Setting of the Taipei City Government

指導教授 : 蕭全政


「2010年台北國際花卉博覽會」是台灣第一次正式獲得國際授權舉辦,也是亞洲第四個國家、第七個城市經「國際園藝生產者協會」(AIPH)正式授權舉辦的國際園藝博覽會。自2006年起,台北市政府就開始展開申辦與規劃花博的工作,經過了四年多的籌備,台北花博於2010年11月6日開幕,並於2011年4月25日順利閉幕。由於台北花博是台灣首次有機會舉辦如此大型的活動,因此本研究將以花博為主題,針對籌辦與規劃的過程,以及其中涉及的政經利益,並以台北市政府為主軸,進行深入的分析。 本研究主要包括以下五個章節:第一章先闡述問題意識、進行文獻探討並設定分析架構。第二章以花博初步的規劃時期為重點,闡述其在資源不充裕的環境下所擬定的相關決策。第三章的重點在於探討政黨輪替後,郝龍斌市長針對花博所進行的重點規劃。第四章則是由首長的企圖心與理念為主軸出發,探討郝龍斌將花博當成一個具有動能的政治工具,爭取自身發展的機會與資源。第五章則是整合了前文的討論,為花博的辦理規劃過程作一總和性的歸納,並提出本研究的結論。 本文認為,花博不僅是成功的城市行銷,也為台北市帶來龐大的經濟效益,更是政治與經濟結合的具體實踐。郝龍斌市長藉由此次辦理花博的過程,確實累積了屬於他自己的政治實力與資源,也更有籌碼提升自己的政治地位,進而能夠讓自己在這個複雜的政治環境中扮演更重要的角色。


2010 Taipei International Flora Exposition is the first international large-scale exposition in Taiwan. It is also the first international exposition recognized by a international organization, International Association of Horticultural Produces (AIPH). Since 2006, Taipei City government has begun to do policy-settings of the Taipei Flora Expo. After more than four years’ preparations and constructions, the Taipei Flora Expo finally opened on November 6, 2010 and was concluded successfully on April 25, 2011. This study takes Taipei Flora Expo as the main theme; focus on the bidding and planning processes of Taipei City Government, and explores the political and economic benefits in it. The study contains five chapters. The first chapter describes the research incentives, question and framework. Chapter two focus on the beginning of the whole policy-setting process. Chapter three interprets the related developments after the alternation of political parties in 2008. IV Chapter four analyses the mayor’s ambitions and beliefs, and discusses the possibility of taking the Taipei Flora Expo as a political tool. Chapter five concludes all the discussions in this research and points out some important issues of the whole policy-setting processes. This research suggests that the Taipei Flora Expo is not only a successful case of city marketing, but also brings to Taipei City Government lots of economic benefits. The whole policy-making processes proved the amazing results of connecting political energies and economic elements. In the end, the great international expo also opened a broad road for Mayor Hau and helped him grab more resources to evaluate his own political value.


台北市政府,2009,〈行政院農業委員會農糧署農糧管理計畫 98年度單一計畫說明書〉,台北市議會內部調閱資料。
台北市政府,2010,〈行政院農業委員會農糧署農糧管理計畫 99年度單一計畫說明書〉,台北市議會內部調閱資料。
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