  • 學位論文

空間異相或都市意象? -台中宮原眼科奇觀化的歷史空間及其都市觸媒作用

Spatial Peculiarity or City Image? -The Spectacularized Historic Space of Taichung's Miyahara Eye Clinic and Its Urban Catalystic Effect

指導教授 : 康旻杰


本研究透過資本集團打造的舊建築創意再利用,研究當前歷史空間與品牌消費影響空間認同的課題,以及所觸發的舊市區再生現象。日日出集團與臺中中區的宮原眼科創造的「宮原現象」,除了翻轉衰頹地區表現驚人的商業活力,也顯現歷史空間成為促進消費欲望所打造的城市地景,有如「奇觀社會」的視覺再現以及資本積累,展現著「宮原奇觀」。然而,以宮原眼科的形式展現、保留歷史的代表性,以及對於中區的空間再生的啟發,也展現宮原眼科的公共價值,形成都市觸媒與歷史空間商品化的辯證。 因此,藉由中區的歷史研究、宮原眼科的空間分析,以及媒體與網路社群的再現,探討「空間異相」與「都市意象」如何影響宮原眼科形成奇觀的過程,以及「奇觀化」的過程中歷史空間與周遭歷史氛圍的互動影響。 由歷史發展可見,中繼站的特質為臺中提供城市包容與創新的實驗精神, 能創造引領臺灣的消費文化。中區位於中部交通運輸的核心,匯集早期中部發展的集體記憶,也為奇觀化的歷史空間提供容易到達的區位條件。隨著城市擴張使新市區與舊市區二元發展,中區早期發展的歷史層次,一方面為地區留下私有產權複雜、更新推動僵滯的困境,另一方面也為城市保有時代的集體記憶,創造宮原奇觀與周遭的歷史意象。再者,宮原眼科反映著臺中重視情境氛圍與帶動創新的消費與歷史淵源,藉由舊建築創意再利用,不僅為日日出集團樹立地區的品牌形象;視覺與空間的表現更催化了消費慾望,空間異相中的消費產生新的集體記憶,催生宮原奇觀。另外,集體經驗與空間異相的表現促使宮原奇觀被凝視,並藉由社群網路與外地消費者形塑社群與媒體的先驗經驗,反覆強化奇觀的形成,影響歷史空間再利用並催化地區再生。 最後,藉由宮原眼科與地區商家互動的矛盾,顯現宮原眼科既作為地區再生的觸媒,也消費著地區的時代氛圍,更藉由連結歷史記憶與品牌文化掠奪城市空間。奇觀化的歷史空間觸發地區「再造情境」的能動者聚集,為中區再生引來保留城市脈絡的都市更新契機,也為中區引來大規模資本開發,產生空間替代與縉紳化的危機,使奇觀化的歷史空間成為既獨特又複雜,需反覆辯證的觸媒角色。


This research intends to comprehend the phenomena of urban regeneration and spatial identity catalyzed by the adaptive reuse of a singular historical building – Miyahara Eye Clinic, and its effect of commodification-cum-spectacularization via the creative capital of the Dawn Cake Corporate on the declining historical area of Taichung. With the still-growing fervor of patronizing its inventive ice cream parlor and a variety of cakes and sweets in an imaginative building affixed to the namesake of a colonial clinic, the contended ‘Miyahara Spectacle’ triggers the unexpected revival of Taichung’s Central District near the train depot, while deepens the dialectics between the public value of urban conservation and the relentless consumption of historical spaces. Therefore, through the historical research of the Central District, the spatial analysis of the reused Miyahara Eye Clinic, and the representation of the place in the social media, this research discloses the processes of spectacularization from a consumers’ locale of spatial peculiarity to an identified image of the city. The findings of the research can be briefly concluded: Being a transition between the cosmopolitan north and the grassroots south of Taiwan, the urban characteristics of Taichung help fostering an experimental spirit of tolerance and innovation throughout the history of urban development. The Central District used to signify the transportation hub of central Taiwan as well as the collective memory of its own faded commercial glory, and its critical location lays the foundation for the spectacularization of Miyahara. The appropriation of Miyahara’s and its adjacent neighborhood’s stories into the programming and design of the adaptive reuse further strengthens the business model and management strategies of the Dawn Cake Corporate as a ‘brandscape.’ History is regarded as a valued commodity and a quirky experience. Miyahara is fashioned into the talk of the town. The touristic gaze and the discourses of the virtual world propagate the effect of Miyahara spectacularization. On one hand, it intensifies the culture of consumption and its alienation from the Central District community, yet on the other it catalyzes the new trend of social innovation, cooperation, and community economy in the reused old buildings of the neighboring blocks. Whether Miyahara spectacle gentrifies the district of the original local gentries or continues to regenerate the declined Central depends on how it may transform itself from a spatial peculiarity into a cultural image with new urban meaning.


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