  • 學位論文


Social Economy in Practice at Nan-Ji Rice – The Autonomy and Community-Benefit Plan of the Underground Community-Empowerment Labor Cooperative

指導教授 : 康旻杰


南機場整建住宅(簡稱整宅)作為1960年代台北市政府現代化住宅政策下的產物,安置大量違建戶居民,並且期望改善居住環境。座落於南機場二期整宅的忠恕社區長年缺乏有效的建築管理,造成建築物老舊、環境變差。住戶過去困苦的社會背景,至今仍未改變,依舊被貼上貧窮的都市邊緣住宅標籤。1990年代開始台北市政府透過社區營造的政策,培訓社區營造人才進入基層社區,由下而上的改善社區生活。但對於社造為目的的社群來說最重要的是,如何與社區建立緊密關係、如何營生。 本研究以參與式觀察的方式,成為地方組織「地下社造勞動合作社」的社員,並且共同經營社區地下室的「南機拌飯」作為行動基地。此研究顯示勞動合作社作為社區的外來社群,以協助社區公共事務、舉辦活動及連結外部社群資源發展社區社群的方式,與居民建立友善關係。行動過程中,合作社透過執行社、業務與空間經營來營生,不免遭遇空間經營與財務的挑戰。但社員透過參與合作社,經歷社會經濟的實踐與理想的轉變,理解地方社群相互培力的作用,及社群與弱勢社區往來的共生關係。地下社造勞動合作社在南機拌飯的空間實踐,因而得以在台北公辦都更的高張力區,推動一種都市共享的可行模式。


The South Airport (Nan-Ji-Chang) Resettlement Housing, following the modern housing policy of the government, were built in the 1960s, and they were expected to improve the living environment. Zong-Shu Community, located in the South Airport Resettlement Housing Phase II, has been lacking effective building management for a long time. And the community endured the deterioration of the buildings and living environment. They’re often labeled as a slum living in the urban fringe. In the 1990s, Taipei City government decided to deliver the community empowerment project to train community planners and mobilize grassroots communities to improve their living environment from the bottom up. However, the most important thing for community planners is not only to build relationship with the local community, but also to sustain themselves. Adopting the method of participant observation method, I join the local organization, ‘the Underground Community-Empowerment Labor Cooperative’ as a member, and with the other members, we ran ‘Nan-Ji Rice’, located at the basement of the South-Airport Resettlement Housing II community, as a collective and an action base. The thesis illustrates that the Cooperative, perceived as an external social group, initiated actions and brought in social resources to support the local community; in this way, the Cooperative built harmonious rapport with the residents. The Cooperative made a living by running the cooperative business, affairs, and managing the ‘Nan-Ji Rice’ space, but it encountered a dilemma of sustaining the space and the fiscal balance. The members of the Cooperative had undergone the practices of social economy and the transformation of the idealist concepts. We got to understand the effect of mutual empowerment between local communities, and the symbiosis between activist groups and the underprivileged communities. The spatial practice of the Underground Community-Empowerment Labor Cooperative was then able to facilitate a feasible model of urban commoning within the tense zone of Taipei’s government-led urban renewal project.


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