  • 學位論文


Cross-strait 4G Mobile Communications Industry Development And Management Regulation Study

指導教授 : 陳顯武


科技產業在全球化下競爭日益激烈,各國政府大都以相關產業政策與管理規範來創造適合產業發展的環境與推動相關產業發展。而台灣多年來一直引以為傲的高科技產業,未來將面對更多來自大陸與全球的挑戰。 行動通訊技術標準沿革從1980年代的1G、1990年代的2G、2000年代的3G至2010年代的4G,大約每10年就出現新一代的技術標準,提供更快速、更有行動性、更多的應用性,方便現代資訊社會大量資料、數據、語音、通訊、影像的處理與交流。本文希望透過兩岸在4G行動通訊產業發展的現況與管理規範上的差異,探討分析出兩岸在此方面的優劣勢,及台灣政府與產業界如何面對來自大陸與全球的競爭。 本論文主要研究目的有:1.瞭解全球4G行動通訊產業發展現況;2.分析兩岸4G行動通訊產業發展現況與差異;3.分析兩岸4G行動通訊產業在管理規範上的差異;4.分析台灣政府與4G行動通訊產業界如何面對來自大陸與全球的競爭,從政策面、規範面、產業面,提出對台灣行動通訊產業發展的建議與可能性之策略。


兩岸 行動通訊 4G LTE WiMAX 管理規範


Technology industry increasingly competitive globalization, governments around the world to the relevant industrial policies and management practices to create the environment for industrial development and promote the development of related industries.Taiwan has for many years been proud of the high-tech industry, the future will face more challenges from the mainland and the world. Mobile communications technology standards evolution from the 1G in the 1980's, 2G in 1990's , 3G in 2000's , 4G in 2010's , about every 10 years a new generation of technical standards, to provide faster, more action, more application, the convenience of a modern information society, information, data, voice, communication, image processing and exchange. This article hopes to explore the analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the Cross-strait in this regard, and the Taiwan government and industry to how to face the competition from China and around the world through the difference of the Cross-strait on the status of 4G mobile communications industry development and management regulations. In this thesis, the main research purpose have:1. an understanding of the global 4G action communications industry development present conditions;2. Analysis of Cross-strait 4G mobile communications industry development current situation and differences; 3. Analysis of Cross-strait 4G mobile communications industry differences in management specification; 4. Analysis of Taiwan Government and 4G mobile communications industry how to face competition from China and around the world. From the policy side, the regulation side, the industrial side recommendations and the possibility of tactics on the development of the mobile communications industry in Taiwan.


Cross-strait Mobile communications 4G LTE WiMAX Management regulation


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7. 中華人民共和國國務院令 534 號,「外商投資電信企業管理規定」,2008 年,
17. 中華人民共和國國務院,
2010 年,台灣省。
