  • 學位論文


Benefits beyond Boundaries of Protected Areas:Political Ecology and Stakeholder Analysis of the Creation of National Parks in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林俊全教授


2003年在南非德班舉行的第五屆國家公園暨保護區大會,明確強調「參與互惠」與「多元」治理的精神,並以「跨界利益」(Benefits beyond Boundaries)為主題,希望在十年內各國將海洋保護區面積增加到領海面積約12﹪,這也為21世紀初全球保護區的發展定調。本研究以政治生態學來論述不同研究尺度下臺灣國家公園不斷變化的過程與原因,及其所面對的環境衝擊;透過權益關係人利益與衝突的分析,釐清研究區發展課題與地方意見,以及國家公園建制過程與權益關係人的互動;並嘗試建立分析架構來評估跨界利益,探討什麼的發展型態,可以有助於國家公園成為跨界利益的提供者。 本研究以面臨新典範建立轉型期的臺灣國家公園體制為對象,研究範圍則以新近提出籌設國家公園的東沙環礁、綠島與台江為主要個案,參與式觀察係從2004年東沙芻議成立國家公園,至2010年底台江成立後1年。研究發現臺灣國家公園的發展脈絡,可區分為「醞釀」、「成長」、「衝突」、「停滯(新的醞釀)」與「轉型」等5個歷史階段,這也與臺灣的民主化過程與政治環境的演替息息相關;同時中央推動機關的角色也逐漸在轉變,台江的案例更可見主動「溝通協調」以及「培力」的角色開始出現,與以往國家公園的建制模式明顯不同。此外,本研究所採用「重要性/影響力」、「衝突/互補」與「行動者連結」的權益關係人分析矩陣,皆有助於加深對3個主要個案權益關係人的瞭解,在使用上並無重複與衝突,端視所討論議題的複雜程度與所著重面向的不同,可分別操作解讀。而針對台江國家公園所建立跨界利益的評估架構與22項指標的分析結果,雖然較缺乏完整的理論基礎,且受到統計資料不足與時間限制,而有待後續的研究修正,但這樣一個新的研究及思考方向,值得其他國家公園(保護區)作為客觀評估是否邁向跨界利益的重要參考;單以台江這個研究個案而言,如能結合在地社區整合出具有在地價值與利益分享的生態旅遊,將是朝向跨界利益的重要關鍵。上述研究發現皆有助於檢驗,這個國際社會尤其是歐美等國土廣闊的國家所提出的保護區典範,是否適用於臺灣這類狹小島嶼型、高度密集發展且正值政治、社會與文化高度衝擊的國度。 在上述研究成果的基礎下,研究最後對現行的國家公園體制提出包括國家公園法與保護區發展趨勢的矛盾、國家公園的公眾參與機制、海洋型國家公園的發展、培力與民間力量的引入等建議,期能透過跨界利益的實現,有助於未來國家公園尋求更廣泛的支持與跨域合作。


The Fifth World Parks Congress was held in 2003 in Durban, South Africa. It emphasized the concept of “reciprocal participation” and “multilevel governance.” The theme was “benefits beyond boundaries,” and the hope was for the marine protected area in every country to reach 12% of the territorial sea area within a decade. To a certain extent, this set the tone for developing the direction of global preservation areas at the beginning of 21st century. The present study utilizes a political ecology approach to discuss the changing process and environmental impact of, and reasons for the creation of Taiwan’s national parks at different scales. Analytic matrices of stakeholders were found to be helpful to understand the competing interests, conflicts, compromises and interactions between stakeholders in the three cases studied. In addition, this study also tries to set up an assessment structure and indicators to evaluate the “benefits beyond boundaries,” and explore what types of development can contribute to national parks becoming the providers of “benefits beyond boundaries.” The object of study is Taiwan's national park system faced with new international preservation values and paradigms, and the research areas are those national parks initiated after 2003, like the Dongsha Reef Atoll, Green Island and Taijiang. The period of participatory observation is from 2004 (Dongsha Reef Atoll National Park initiative) to 2010 (one year after the establishment of Taijiang National Park). The study found that the development process of national parks in Taiwan, can be divided into five phases: initiation, growth, conflict, stagnation (new initiation), and transformation, and is closely related to the democratic process and ecological politics on the islands of Taiwan. At the same time, we also find obvious changes in the roles of impetus organizations for national parks during the five phases. One significant example is the case of Taijiang National Park, it seems that coordinating and empowering the locals and interest groups has become a mainstay, and that is significant point of difference from the previous national parks formed. This study used analytic matrices of stakeholders including importance/influence matrix, conflict/complementarity matrix and actor linkage matrix. Those matrices are helpful to deepen the understanding of the main stakeholders. There is no duplication or conflict in their applications. Depending on the complexity and focus of the issues discussed, they can be operated or interpreted separately. Finally, this paper aimed to develop its own analytical framework with twenty two indicators to assess the concept of “benefits beyond boundaries.” This is an approach that very few researchers have discussed in the past. Although the assessment framework of this study lacks a comprehensive theoretical basis, and has some limitations of statistical data and time, its process of research and deliberation is valuable in developing a framework for objective assessment of whether national parks have performed adequately in pursuing “benefits beyond boundaries.” In the case of Taijiang National Park, we find the key to “benefits beyond boundaries” is to integrate with the local community to develop ecotourism that preserves local values and shares its benefits with the local community. These findings will help to examine whether this paradigm from international preservation areas led by continental countries like the United States, is applicable to small island countries such as Taiwan, which are characterized by high density development and severe struggles among ramified political, social, cultural, and ethnic interests. Based on these results, this study has some recommendations on the existing national park system including contradictions between the National Park Act and development trends in preservation areas, a participative mechanism for national parks, future development of marine national parks in Taiwan, empowerment of the local communities, and introduction of non-governmental forces. Finally, we hope to help the national narks to seek broader support and cross-domain cooperation through the realization of “benefits beyond boundaries.”




