  • 學位論文


Foolishness and Wisdom: the research of Zou Di-Guang's YuGong Valley Collection

指導教授 : 曹淑娟


本論文以「愚公力」與「班倕智」為引,旨在梳理鄒迪光(1549-1625)於萬 曆二十年(1592)歸返無錫之後的園林生活。是年,鄒迪光才四十三歲。曾以經 濟自期,又頗具治績的他正值強仕之年便兩度失礁宦途,踔厲風發之氣不能不耿 耿於懷。拂袖而歸,壯年解組的行動雖能解消一時之憤,卻不能為他捎來自心的 安定。是以他自言「夫人不能表著豎立以騁其踔厲邁往之氣,則必寄于物焉以自 排釋。」愚公谷的構築正是他用以排遣悶懷,一展長才的寄託所在,而環繞著園 林所連接起的人際網絡亦成為他詩酒生活中重要的羈絆。 本研究所關注的議題可以分作四個部分。其一,主要在處理鄒迪光所擁有的 三個居住地——讓里田居、城西榆枋館以及惠山愚公谷三者間於位址、功能以及 內涵之差異,其中特別聚焦在愚公谷的命名詮釋,並拈出「愚」與「智」作為解 讀的線索。其二,以《愚公谷乘》為主要材料,從鄒迪光對園林關係的省思以及 組織架構、編纂策略三者討論園乘的編纂意識。作為園林書寫的結集之作,不論 是就內容而言,或是結構的安排、文字的審訂等等,實皆反映了鄒迪光作為園林 主人的意志與情懷。其三,從園林要素、景象結構進一步分析他如何以愚公力、 班倕智,成就愚公谷內令人耳目為之震撼的山水勝景。最後,分從宗教信仰、文 人詩酒以及審美體驗三個部分,論述鄒迪光豐富的園居生活。 在歷史的簡述裡,鄒迪光從罷官後築園,園成則流連於詩酒生活,其生命方 向的轉換彷彿一氣呵成。然而鄒迪光桀驁不馴的性格又怎能讓他甘於庸凡?他在 榆枋館內的書齋「羼提」,取梵語忍辱之義。此名多年不改,可見壯年解組是鄒 迪光始終介懷的一樁心事。他的浪跡山水、心繫園林,實則是在陷溺中有所情寄。 然而他又並非溺而不返,借助於老莊破執的闡述以及佛理對修心、修身、對清淨 世界的理想寄託,皆使得他終而在山水園林裡覓得一方靜地。


The purpose of this thesis aims at analyzing Zou Di-Guang’s(鄒迪光) eremitic life back in Wusih(無錫) by introducing two perspectives as a primer: foolishness and strength of being stubborn(愚公力), and wisdom in civil engineering(班倕智). Hereinafter referred to as Foolishness and Wisdom. In 1592 A.D.(萬曆二十年), Zou was suffered from demotion again because of vicious slanders which led him to resign from his official career out of anger. As a man with high self-esteem, Zou possessed not only great ambition but also capability and achievement in terms of economy and governance. Zou encountered such humiliation and resigned in a huff might ease his indignation at first. However, it could not bring him inner tranquility. Therefore, Zou intended to beguile irritancy and perform his talent, he turned to the planning and construction of YuGong Valley(愚公谷). In addition, the social network connected by this garden was an essential bond in his eremitic life as well. This dissertation focuses on the following four sections. To begin with, sorting Zou’s three residences—RangLi Farmland Cottage(讓里田居), YuFang House in west town(城 西榆枋館), YuGong Valley in HuiShan(惠山愚公谷) by comparing their location, function, and connotation. Among the comparison, an emphasis is placed on the naming interpretation of YuGong Valley and how we should use Foolishness and Wisdom as leads to analyze. Secondly, the thesis continues to the discussion on the work’s compilatory intention rising from the introspection between Zou himself and the garden, chapter format and compilatory tactics based on YuGong Valley Collection(愚公谷乘) as the main material. YuGong Valley Collection, a four-volume garden writing collection, is a reflection of Zou’s ideals and expectation of being a garden owner, which can be considered from the context and the arrangement of structure to the editing of words. The third section further analyzes on how the garden elements and scenic structure shows the way Zou accomplished the stunning views in YuGong Valley, regarding the concept of Foolishness and Wisdom. Finally, this section lays out Zou’s fulfilled garden life in terms of religion, literati gatherings, and aesthetic experiences. Like most known people in history, Zou’s life was condensed in a few sentences. In historical records, Zou constructed his garden after resigning from civil services and then infatuated with writing and drinking along with his friends. It seemed like Zou changed his life direction effortlessly and fluently. Nevertheless, the rebellious part inside him would never willingly settle for ordinary or go with the flow. The study in Yufang House was named Kshanti(羼提), which means to endure and have patience in Sanskrit. The name remained unchanged for years, and it is clear that his early retirement had been always lingering on Zou’s mind. His wandering about sightseeing and being fond of gardens showed as if Zou had an indulgent and loosened lifestyle, yet it was not merely for distraction but inner sustenance as well. Zou entrusted himself to the ideal of pure land through Taoist interpretation of cutting off attachments and his apprehension in Buddhist principles of cultivating one’s original nature and moral character. The life spent in his beloved gardens and his constant reflection helped him attain purity and find his inner peace eventually.


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[戰國]莊子著,郭慶藩編:《莊子集釋》,臺北:河洛圖書出版社,1974 年。
[漢]劉向:《說苑》,北京:中華書局,1987 年。
[漢]劉熙:《釋名》,北京:中華書局,2016 年。
