  • 學位論文


The Role and Governance Practice of German Local Governments in Energy Transition

指導教授 : 林子倫
共同指導教授 : 趙永茂(Yung-mau Chao)


氣候變遷與能源安全揭示了新一波能源轉型的趨勢。這波以分散式再生能源為主的能源轉型方向,不僅意味著地方層級重要性日益提升,城市與次國家體系在氣候及能源議題上的角色亦有強化趨勢。另方面,隨著地方行政現代化及地方治理的發展,公共服務遞送日趨私有化,私人行動者影響力大幅增加。因此,如何重新定位地方政府的角色,有深入探討之必要。此外,德國一向被認為是能源轉型的先驅,在上述背景下,探討德國地方政府如何推動並實踐能源轉型歷程,將是一項有意義的課題。 本研究以德國地方政府作為研究對象,關注地方政府在地方能源轉型中的作用。透過文獻分析、個案研究、深度訪談等研究方法,本研究以三個德國市鎮—杜賓根市(巴登-符騰堡邦)、沃爾夫哈根(黑森邦)、哈斯富特(巴伐利亞邦)—作為研究個案,探討以下問題:(一)地方能源「轉型」的意涵為何,對於地方公共服務與能源治理,啟發了哪些結構性面向?地方政府在其中可扮演什麼角色?(二)能源供應作為地方公共服務一環,德國地方政府體系對於地方能源供應服務的制度安排為何?(三)德國地方政府在推動能源轉型的治理策略為何?過程面臨到哪些挑戰? 對此,本研究有以下發現:第一,「分權」與「民主」作為能源轉型的關鍵面向,聚焦分散式能源轉型歷程中,從技術系統到治理結構的「權力下放」,以及能源生產與消費歷程的「民主控制」。當中更具有「地方能源自主」—即地方能源事項的自我管理和自我賦權—的深層意涵。而地方政府在策動地方能源轉型的實踐上,將擔負更多主動性的角色和任務。 第二,在德國,能源轉型也伴隨更進一步的權力下放與民主參與。此至少源自於三個方面的發展:2000年《再生能源法》所帶動的能源生產與所有權結構的「分散化」、再生能源系統的空間規劃體制、以及地方能源供應服務的制度安排。尤其,地方能源供應作為傳統公共設施與公用事業服務、以及市政經濟活動的一環,係德國地方政府重要的自治事項,並為德國《基本法》的「地方自治」條款所保障。 第三,儘管在方向和程度上有所不同,透過作為領導者、管制者與規劃者、供給者、促進者、以及合作者,並結合多樣化治理策略,三個案例的地方政府在引導地方能源轉型上均扮演重要角色。在此同時,三個案例也開展出各自能源轉型的路線與特色。在杜賓根市,綠黨市長的領導角色、以及市政府從方案規劃與實踐的主導地位,成為推動當地氣候保護的重要特色。在沃爾夫哈根,呈現出以在地網絡合作為核心的地方能源轉型歷程。在哈斯富特,市政公用事業作為關鍵支柱,以及外部策略夥伴的支持,成為哈斯富特得以持續投入創新技術及解決方案的關鍵。 第四,在能源轉型推動過程中,德國地方政府也面臨多層級治理系統中、來自政治、制度法規、經濟(財政)、社會等四個面向因素的影響。當中,關鍵個人以及較高政治層级的政策與制度法規(歐盟、聯邦、邦級),在三個案例均有深刻作用。然而,近年《再生能源法》修法與拍賣競標制度的轉向,對德國地方政府在能源轉型的參與帶來重大考驗。而再生能源設置的空間取得與衝突協調、地方電網設施的穩定性、供熱及運輸部門轉型,也是地方政府持續面臨的挑戰。 最後,參照德國經驗,本研究從「再生能源的空間規劃、區位選擇與衝擊評估機制」、「地方政府多樣化的能源治理策略」、以及「強化地方層級能源治理能力」三大方向,針對台灣能源轉型推動提出政策建議。


Climate change and energy security highlight the new trend of energy transition, which is mainly in the direction of decentralized renewable energy. This implies not only a growing significance of the local level, but also a strengthening role of cities and sub-national government systems on climate and energy issues. On the other hand, with the modernization of local administration and the development of local governance, the delivery of public services turns to more privatization and makes private actors have more impacts during this process. Therefore, it is necessary to re-examine and reposition the role of local government in this context. Also, Germany has been regarded as a pioneer in energy transition. It would be meaningful as an issue to explore how German local governments drive and implement the energy transition process against this background. This study focuses on the role of German local governments in local energy transition process. Through literature analysis, case studies, and in-depth interviews with relevant individuals, this study uses three German municipalities - Tübingen (Baden-Württemberg), Wolfhagen (Hessen), and Hassfurt (Bavaria) - as cases to investigate the following questions: (1) What is the meaning of local energy "transition", and what kind of structural aspects does this inspire in local public services and energy governance? What roles could local government play in this regard? (2) As part of local public services, what are the institutional arrangements of local energy provision in the German local government system? (3) What are the governance strategies of German local governments for promoting local energy transition? What are the main challenges they faced with during this process? In this regard, this study has the following findings: First, "decentralization" and "democracy" as the key aspects of energy transition, it focuses on the "devolution (of power)” within both technology system and governance structure, and more "democratic control" to the energy production and consumption during this transformation process. This also has the deeper meaning of "local energy autonomy" - i.e., self-management and self-empowerment on local energy issues. And local governments will take on more proactive roles and tasks in this regard to promote energy transition at the local level. Second, in Germany, energy transition also has been accompanied by further decentralization and democratic participation. This is a result of at least three developments: the "decentralized" process of energy production and ownership structures initiated by the Renewable Energy Act in 2000, the spatial planning system for renewable energy, and the institutional arrangements for local energy provision. In particular, local energy provision is as traditional part of the public utility services and municipal economic activities, which is an important matter of “local self-government” (kommunale Selbstverwaltung) and guaranteed by the German Basic Law. Third, despite differences in direction and extent, local governments in all three cases have played an important role in guiding local energy transition through their roles as leaders, regulators and planners, suppliers, facilitators, and collaborators, with a combination of diverse governance strategies. At the same time, the three cases also showcased their respective routes and characteristics of local energy transition. In Tübingen, the leadership of the Green Party mayor and the municipality's leading role in program planning and implementation are important features in promoting local climate protection. In Wolfhagen, the energy transition process is characterized by local network cooperation. In Hassfurt, the municipal utility as the key pillar and the support of external strategic partners are keys to continued investment in innovative technologies and solutions for local energy transition. Fourth, in the process of promoting energy transition, German local governments also faced with different influence factors from the multi-level governance system. This study examines these factors through political, institutional, economic, and social aspects. Among them, key actors and the policies or institutional framework of higher political levels (EU, federal government, and federal states) both have profound impacts in all three cases. However, the recent amendments of Renewable Energy Act with the shift to a competitive auction system have posed big challenges to local governments to participate in energy transition in Germany. Also, finding the spaces for renewable energy installations, improving the stability and flexibility of local grids, and transition in the heating and transportation sectors are also ongoing challenges for local governments. Finally, based on the German experience, this study proposes policy recommendations for promotion of energy transition in Taiwan in three major directions: (1) examining the spatial planning, location selection and impact assessment mechanism of renewable energy; (2) exploring diverse governance strategies of local governments; and (3) strengthening the governance capacity of local governments on energy issues.


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