  • 學位論文

利用細胞平台的評估進行中國橄欖萃取物中具抗發炎或抗腫瘤功效 成分的分析與分離

Analyze and identify the anti-inflammation and anti-tumor compounds from Chinese olive extracts through cell-based platform mediated functional evaluation

指導教授 : 謝淑貞


根據流行病學研究指出地中海地區的國家民眾罹患動脈粥狀硬化、心血管疾病與部分癌症的罹患率低於歐美各國。攝取大量的橄欖油為地中海國家的飲食特色,研究普遍認為橄欖油具有抗氧化活性、抗菌 (antimicrobial) 、降低血脂、降低血小板凝集、抗發炎 (anti-inflammation) 與調控細胞正常生長等益處。有別於油橄欖 (Olea europaea L.) ,本實驗採用生長於台灣的中國橄欖 (Canarium album L.)。根據本草綱目記載,中國橄欖具有抗菌、抗病毒、抗發炎與解毒之功效。在先前的研究顯示其含有豐富的多酚類物質 (phenolic compounds) 與體外抗氧化的功效成分。然而,尚未有研究探討中國橄欖抗發炎與抗癌的功效。因此,我們的研究目的為探討中國橄欖抗發炎與抗癌功能之有效成分。本實驗中使用WST-1 assay 與抗發炎平台 (anti-inflammation platform) 來探討中國橄欖生物活性功效並使用 HPLC-MS/MS 分析其成分。結果顯示甲醇-乙酸乙酯區分層之萃取物具有抗發炎與抗癌細胞增生之作用,將此萃取物以固相萃取的方式獲得11 個次區分層,發現編號2 與 編號 7 的次區分層具有更進一步的抗發炎及抗增生的效果,編號 2次區分層中主要成分為 Methyl gallate ,編號 7 次區分層中主要成分為分子量為 538 的未知成分。因此,我們認為Methyl gallate 與分子量為 538 的未知成分可能為橄欖萃取物中具有抗發炎與抗癌功能的有效成分,未來還需更多實驗來進一步確認。


Epidemiological studies have shown a lower incidence of atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases and certain kinds of cancer in the Mediterranean countries Olive oil is a characteristic component of the Mediterranean diet and offers beneficial effects, such as antioxidative activity, antimicrobial, reducing lipoprotein, reducing platelet agglutination, anti-inflammation, and activity for regulating cell proliferation. Chinese olive (Canarium album L.) belongs to Burseraceae family which differs from Mediterranean diet’s olive in type. It is also a traditional medicine material, exhibiting beneficial functions in anti-bacterium, anti-virus, anti-inflammation and detoxification. Previous studies have displayed Chinese olive a phenolic compounds rich resource for providing antioxidative activity. However, the role of Chinese olive in anti-cancer and anti-inflammation remains unknown. Therefore, our aim is to search for compounds with anti-proliferation or anti-inflammation effect in Chinese olive .In our study, we used WST-1 assay and anti-inflammation platform as tools to examine the biological function of compounds within Chinese olive, and in parallel, the functional extract of Chinese olive has beenr enriched and then analyzed by HPLC-MS-MS. We conclude that the olive methanol-EA fraction extract has the best anti-inflammation and anti- proliferation effects when compared with the other feactons. Using solid phase extraction to separate methanol-EA fraction into 11 sub-fractions, we found that sub. fr. 2, sub. fr. 7 have the strongest anti-inflammation and anti- proliferation effects. Methyl gallate is the main compound in sub. fr. 2, while unknown compound with molecular weight 538 is the main compound in sub. fr. 7. Therefore, we hypothesize that Methyl gallate and unknown compound with molecular weight 538 might be the functional compounds offering both anti- inflammation and anti- proliferation effects in Chinese olive exteact.


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