  • 學位論文


The Implementation of the Policy for Environmental Science and Technology Park in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林子倫


隨著全球暖化、氣候變遷問題日受重視,許多國家均選擇適當區域推動生態工業園區,我國亦參考日本北九州、丹麥卡倫堡的經驗,於2002年至2011年間規劃設置高雄、花蓮、桃園、台南四座「環保科技園區(Environmental Science and Technology Parks, ESTP)」。10年來發展的過程,從源起、政策形成、決策制定到政策推動,國內文獻尚缺乏完整的論述,筆者希望藉由相關資料的蒐集整理,介紹我國環保科技園區推動計畫之政策發展與推動成果,同時比較其他國家之案例,是否符合國外生態工業園區之規劃設計原則?此外在整個政策執行的過程,似乎也遭遇到許多的困難與挑戰,園區的平均土地租售面積僅約六成,產業鏈結的情形亦有待加強,而導致監察院糾正。究竟我國環保科技園區政策推動上所遭遇的問題有哪些?是否確如監察院所稱整體效能偏低?又該如何有效治理? 本研究主要透過專家問卷及深度訪談,從公共政策執行的角度,探討科層體制下我國環保科技園區政策執行過程,中央、地方之間的互動關係,以及政策與行動之間演進的過程,對於整體推動成效的影響。首先參考Goggin等人(1990)的政策執行模型進行德菲法問卷,探討我國環保科技園區的政策執行模式與影響執行成效之主要因素;同時針對中央、主辦縣市政府官員、入區廠商、專家學者以及鄰近居民深度訪談,以瞭解我國環保科技園區政策執行過程、中央與地方政府所應扮演的角色與發揮的功能、企業的態度與實際做法,並分析政策執行成功或失敗的主要原因,再從全球化治理的觀點,提出總體建議。 本研究結果顯示,我國環保科技園區政策執行模式是兼具「由上而下」及「由下而上」的整合模式,包含5大變項:中央層次的誘因與限制、中央層次的態度與決心、縣市政府本身的決策結果、縣市政府本身能力與整體大環境主客觀因素,對於環保科技園區推動成果有重大影響。比較我國環保科技園區最初設定的目標及推動方式、內容,發現與Oh等人(2005)所提出的生態工業園區規劃和設計原則相近似;就分類方式而言,我國環保科技園區在最初設置時已屬於「綠色工業區」,到2011年計畫結束時,也發展成為「整合式生態工業區」,未來將以區域性數個工業區為一系統推動,朝向「網絡式生態工業區」為目標。 政策過程所遭遇的共通性問題大致可分為「制度設計面」、「外部環境面」、「人為因素面」3個面向,整體而言,我國環保科技園區政策除了花蓮園區之外,高雄、桃園、台南園區的推動相當受到肯定,也實現了當初設定的目標。除了土地租售面積外,皆已達預期量化目標八成以上,許多廠商亦獲得國內外多項獎項;透過廢棄物再利用、再生技術的引進,成功解決一部份廢棄物的處理問題,同時獲取更大的經濟效益;透過循環城鄉建設將鄰近區域與環保科技園區連結在一起,形成結合生產、生活、生態三生一體的循環型生活圈;綠建築標章、生態工法設計,可建立國家優良的環保形象,提升民眾環保觀念。


Because of the concerns about climate change, many countries chose suitable regions to develop Eco-Industrial Parks (EIP). Based on the successful experiences of Eco-towns in Japan and Kalundborg EIP in Demark, four Environmental Science and Technology Parks (ESTPs) in Taiwan (Kaohsiung, Hualien, Taoyuan, and Tainan) were set up between 2002 and 2011. As there is a lack of comprehensive reviews about the origin, policy-making, and promotion of the ESTP project, the goal of this study is to investigate the development and promotion outcome of the ESTP project. The study also checks the suitability of the EIP design principles by comparing the EIP projects with other countries, and outlines the difficulties and challenges in the implementation of ESTP projects. Based on expert questionnaire and in-depth interviews, this study discusses how the overall effectiveness of the ESTP policy is influenced by the relationship between the central and local governments, and by the policy itself and the follow-up actions. Delphi questionnaire is implemented by referring to the policy execution model proposed by Goggin et al. (1990) to discuss the policy execution model of ESTP and the promotion outcome. In-depth interviews with central and local government executives, vendors, experts, scholars, and nearby residents were done to understand the role and the function of the central and local governments, and the attitude and the practical measure of enterprises. From the perspective of global management, the primary reasons for success and failure are analyzed to provide a comprehensive suggestion. The results of the study reveal that the policy execution model of ESTP in Taiwan is an integrated “top-down” and “bottom-up” model. The main factors that impact the outcome of the ESTP project include the incentives, constraints, attitude and determination of the central government, the policies and the ability of the local governments, and the objective and subjective factors of the overall environment. In fact, the original goals and promotion measures of Taiwan ESTP are similar to the principles of EIP presented by Oh et al. (2005). According to the classification of EIPs, ESTPs in Taiwan were “green industry parks”. In 2011, the last year of the ESTP project, ESTPs had been developed as “integrated eco-industrial parks”. In the future, several industrial parks including ESTPs within a region will be integrated as a system toward “networked eco-industrial park system”. The common problems of ESTP policy promotion include system design, outer environment, and human factors. Except the Hualien ESTP, the Kaohsiung, Taoyuan, and Tainan ESTPs are considered to have successfully achieved 80% of the original goals except the percentage of the sold area. Many manufacturers also received numerous awards at home and abroad. Some waste problems have been solved by importing reuse and recycle technology to gain more economic benefits. Recycle-oriented society with production, living, and ecology has been built through combining the ESTP with nearby areas via ecological. Green building label and ecological engineering design could improve the image of the country and promote the concept of environmental protection in the public.


