  • 學位論文


The Study of Public Debt Act

指導教授 : 蘇彩足


公共債務之管制,為財務管理中相當重要的一環。近幾十年來,世界各國為增強政府債務之管控與運用,因而逐步發展相關法令與政策加以規範。現行規範臺灣中央與地方政府公共債務之法規為《公共債務法》,公債法將各級政府舉債上限一體規範,無論總量或流量皆納入本法管制範圍內。 本研究開始先回顧我國公債法之歷史沿革與公共債務之內涵,包括立法修正背景與演變、公共債務之定義與衡量。透過參酌IMF、OECD、EU等國際組織與美國、英國、德國等先進國家之經驗,探討我國公共債務之內涵是否與國際接軌,俾對國際潮流有所觀照及借鏡。其次,討論債務上限規定中,分子(長期或短期債務)與分母(GDP、GNP或歲出預算)之意涵、中央與地方政府債限之分配、法規強制力等議題,以瞭解公債法於我國各級政府適用情形與未來修正之方向。 本研究結果發現,我國現行公債法並未將或有負債、公營事業負債以及舉新還舊產生之債務列入債務規範,與IMF、OECD與EU之作法相符。公債法將公共債務區分為一年以上非自償債務與為國庫收支調度產生之未滿一年債務,然而國際對於政府債務之計算並無區分長、短期債務與債務是否具有自償性。依債務定義之不同,我國「隱藏性債務」中具自償性債務與非營業基金舉借之債務,按公債法並未納入債務規範中,此部分與國際作法不符。本研究建議債務之定義宜作明確及周延之規範,並參考國際間計算的方式,不僅與國際標準接軌,並可提高政府債務及預算的透明度,對債務數值也較為客觀,以免造成政府真實債務評核結果發生偏頗,誤導公眾認知且有礙國家財政之健全與經濟之發展。 EU於2012年3月通過之《穩定、協調暨治理條約》,即為滿足修訂後的《穩定暨成長協定》所界定之「國家具體的中長程目標」-結構性赤字不得超過GDP 0.5%。在債務規範上,則要求其成員國立法規範超過GDP 60%之公共債務,每年應有削減5%之義務。政府訂定中長程財政目標之作法,為各國債務措施改革的主要趨勢之一,而未來是否能發揮成效,端看監督與懲罰之機制有無落實。 2012年3月28日,我國財政部重新研擬公債法修正草案,經參酌各方意見後,將地方財政情形與財劃法之修正方向一併納入考量,期待新版公債法能獲得朝野共識。在公債法相關修正法案與配套措施尚未通過以前,財政部為因應公債法未能如期通過衍生之問題,已研擬改制後直轄市適用現行公債法之因應措施,暫時適用原直轄市、縣(市)債限之規定辦理。縣市改制後之直轄市及各地方政府,宜先行開源節流並提昇財政紀律,才是根本解決地方政府財政問題的關鍵。


The control of public debt is very important in financial management. In recent decades, countries around the world gradually developed relevant laws and policies to enhance debt management. “Public Debt Act,” is the regulation concerning public debt of the central and local government, stipulates that all levels of government debt ceiling, regardless of the total debt or debt flows are included in the scope of control of this Law. This thesis begin with a literature review on the historical evolution of the Public Debt Act and the connotation of public debt, including the background and evolution of legislative amendments, as well as the definition of public debt and measurement. Referring to the IMF, the OECD and other international organizations, as well as the experience of the United States, the Great Britain, Germany and other advanced countries, this thesis further explores the connotation of the similarities and differences between Taiwan and the international public debt, and hopes to gain more knowledge via the international trend. Furthermore, this thesis also explores the meaning of the numerator and denominator in the debt ceiling, central and local government debt limit distribution, as well as regulations mandatory, and thus the understanding of the Public Debt Act applies to the case at all levels of government in Taiwan, and the future course corrections. The results of this study finds that the scope of the Public Debt Act in Taiwan is not included in contingent liabilities, in public enterprises liabilities, and in ju xin zhai huan jiu zha (cite the new debt subordinate the old debt), and the above practices are in line with the IMF, OECD and EU. Under the Public Debt Act, debts divided into more than one year of non-self-liquidating debt and debt of less than one year. However, for the calculation of government debt does not distinguish between long and short-term debt and debt whether self-liquidating internatinally. According to the definition of public debt, Public Debt Act is not included in the “hidden debt” with the self-liquidating debt and borrows of non-operating fund of the debt, which in this section is inconsistent with international practice. This study suggests that the definition of debt should be clearly and exhaustively specified, with reference to the International Computing, not only in line with international trends, but also to improve the transparency of government debt and budget, to make the value of debt more objective, to avoid causing government debt assessment biased, to avoid misleading the public awareness and hindering the state's financial soundness and economic development. On 2nd March 2012, the 25 EU members signed the new Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance (TSCG). On deficit-rules, it requires participating countries to respect “the golden rule”, defined as limiting the annual structural deficit of the general government to below 0.5 percent of GDP. On debt-rule, it requires its members to incorporate into their national legal system an obligation to cut 5 percent of that part of their public debt which is exceeding 60 percent of the GDP annually. Setting “the medium term objective” (MTO) is the main trends of the reform of the national debt measures. Whether it can be effective in the future, depends on the mechanism of supervision and punishment can be implemented or not. March 28th, 2012, the Ministry of Finance of R.O.C, by reference to the views of all parties, re-drafted of the Public Debt Act amendment and looked forward to the new version of the Public Debt Act to get the ruling and opposition parties to support. Before the adoption of the amendment and supporting measures of the Public Debt Act, the municipalities after the reform of the issues arising from the new version of the Public Debt Act failed to pass, the Ministry of Finance resolution of provisional application of the original municipalities, counties (cities) of the debt limit. After the reform, local governments of municipalities, counties and cities should cut costs and improve fiscal discipline, which is the fundamental key to solve the financial problems of local government.


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