  • 學位論文


Using Profit-Generating Capacity to Evaluate Rail Network Asset Value and Capacity Allocation

指導教授 : 賴勇成


現今軌道運輸需求高長,既有軌道系統因設施擴充不易且費時,逐漸面臨嚴重壅塞問題。如何在有限資源中合理分配軌道使用,以及如何提供誘因促使營運業者以更有效率之方式使用鐵路容量,為軌道領域之重要研究課題。傳統上,鐵路系統多採用計算簡易、意義直觀之吞吐量作為鐵路容量單位,例如單位時間內通過之列車數或延車公里。然而,吞吐量僅反映出各級列車直接加總的最高總通過量,導致營運者決策偏向最大化流量之策略,無法反映出路網之實際價值以及當下之軌道資源價值利用比例。 有鑒於此,本研究擬提出一套鐵路容量分析之新方法,應用「利潤容量」概念,將傳統之鐵路容量單位從吞吐量轉化為價值總量,藉此釐清實際利用率與容量最大產值間的相互關係。利潤容量單位為貨幣值,和制訂財務策略所使用之單位相容,有利於以更全面之管理視角處理鐵路問題。此外,在探討利潤容量的過程中,還需探討「容量最佳分配」議題,本研究將軌道擁有者在各種車路類型路網之不同的利潤容量結構,研擬合乎財務永續原則之容量最佳分配制度與模式。最後,引入列車需求資料建立「整合型利潤容量分析系統」,可提升整體軌道資源運用效率,並兼顧鐵路系統之財務永續性。


The booming demand of rail service has been a worldwide railroad capacity challenge. Railway infrastructure owners are facing critical issues regarding how to utilize track resource efficiently and possibly optimize track capacity allocation. The traditional definition of rail capacity is usually based on the maximum number of trains can be operated in a section of track in a given period. The particular unit (trains/hour or trains/day) does not reflect the train types nor consider the revenue each train can generate. To overcome these limitations in existing capacity models, this research proposes a new concept, “Integrated Profit-generating Capacity”, by considering infrastructure owners’ profit generated from the existing rail network. Since the currency unit of profit-generating capacity corresponds with the operational goal of railroads, the new capacity definition can reflect difference of train types and their abilities to generate profit. In addition to the concept, this research aims to establish the integrated profit-generating capacity models for various types of railways and consider the demand of rail market. By considering the features of networks, the profit-generating capacity can improve the efficiency of capacity utility and improve the financial sustainability of railway system. With consideration of both the rail demand and capacity supply, the optimal usage of the rail infrastructure can be determined. This system has the potential to induce the infrastructure owners generate a better strategy leading to more efficient use of railway capacity resulting in a financially sustainable railway system.


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