  • 學位論文


Expanding the student market for Gogoro in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林修葳


Gogoro租賃商業計劃為台灣電動車公司Gogoro提出了租賃的方案。並對學生的購買決策流程和學生分群進行了評估,來決定如何實現此計劃。此方案考慮了分析學生購買流程的方法,回顧了Gogoro為什麼不能滿足當前學生的需求,並確定了市場策略和擴張計劃。 主要的研究是透過訪談和問卷調查來進行,以瞭解為什麼學生在Gogoro的銷售佔比低於業界的平均水準。AIDA模型提供了一種研究方法,並經由對學生和Gogoro進行的訪談與以消費者常見行為為基礎所設計的問卷調查,來幫助解釋學生購買過程中的認知與情感的處理階段。除了學生分群與租賃計劃的開發,Gogoro租賃作為一種嘗試的解決方案,藉由此方案的執行,在Gogoro的下一代電動車發表之前,為Gogoro留住學生客戶並提高其在學生市場的佔有率。


電動車 租賃 學生


This business plan, Gogoro leasing, defines scooter monthly leasing program, Gogoro leasing, for Gogoro, a Taiwanese electric scooter startup company and critically evaluates the student buying processes and student segmentations to determine how it the plan might be achieved. It considers methodologies to analyze the student buying processes, reviewing why Gogoro could not satisfy current need of students and identify the market strategy and expansion plans. Primary research through interviews and questionnaire surveys is conducted to understand investigate why Gogoro’s market share among students remains lower than the industrial average level. The AIDA model provides a research approach to help explain the cognitive and affective processing stages in student’s purchasing funnel through segmented elements with common behaviors in questionnaire surveys and interviews with students and Gogoro. Besides student segmentations and developing leasing program, Gogoro leasing, through executing the consumer’s solution strategy, serves as a contemporary attempt to stay close to students and raise market the share among student market before Gogoro’s next generation of scooters debut. To bridge further gaps in the academic framework, the study also considers the scope and activities of marketing and its cost-benefit analysis to deliver a feasible recommendation.


Gogoro electric scooter leasing students


Retrieved from Ministry of Transportation and Communication http://www.chinatimes.com/newspapers/20161206000043-260202
Mobile application. Retrieved from https://www.gogoro.com/Smartscooter/smarter/
The commodity tax of electric scooters. Retrieved from http://www.chinatimes.com/newspapers/20161102000026-260202
Electric scooter subsides. Retrieved from https://www.lev.org.tw/other/sum.asp
The National Development of Fund. Retrieved from http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/biz/archives/2015/11/14/2003632387
