  • 學位論文


Operations and Development of Local Credit Unions in Taiwan under Japanese Colonial Rule: A Case Study of the Chungchou and Hsingyeh Credit Unions in Kaohsiung

指導教授 : 呂紹理


戰後長期為臺灣地方金融要角的信用合作社,奠基於日本統治時期之信用組合制度。本論文透過釐清1910年代至1940年代臺灣信用組合制度的變遷,探究其在地方如何運作、發展,而分析信用組合對地方社會經濟、金融及人際網絡所帶來的影響。   日本殖民統治者於1913年將產業組合制度引進臺灣,其中的信用組合負責吸收地方游資、提供小額借貸而支持在地產業經濟發展,並成為官方掌握臺灣民間金融動向之管道。同時,臺灣人地方有力者透過實際推動信用組合成立、營運,提升自身政經實力,並帶動地方產業發展、維持社會秩序穩定。對此,既有研究討論的議題,多著重於信用金融與整體社會產業資本發展的關係,以及信用組合制度在穩定臺灣社會經濟上的作用等。   至今仍活躍於高雄的高雄市第三信用合作社,承繼自日本時代的中洲、興業信用組合,其戰前發展歷程適合用為分析信用組合之地方社經定位。本論文透過分析中洲及興業信用組合的具體事例,探討殖民地臺灣社會經濟中的信用組合制度、金融發展,如何在地方社會經濟及人際網絡中運作、發展。具體探討面向,包括信用組合在匯集地方社會人際關係及資金流動下,實際上有哪些參與者、由誰營運、官方的監管機制,組合金流動向與地方金融網絡發展的關連,以及在戰時經濟落實於地方社會之際所扮演的角色。最終,解明日本殖民下信用組合在臺灣地方社會經濟發展中的多面性格。


This credit cooperative(信用合作社), based on the credit union system(信用組合) founded during Japanese colonial rule, has played a major role in local finances in Taiwan since the Second World War. This thesis clarifies the changes in the credit union system in Taiwan from the 1910s to the 1940s, explores its local operations and developments, and analyzes its effects on local society, economy, finance, and social networks. The Japanese colonial rulers first introduced the industry union system in Taiwan in 1913. The credit union was responsible for collecting local idle money, providing small loans to support local industry and economic development. Therefore, it became a channel for the government to understand national finance trends. Notably, local authority leaders increased their political and economic power, improved local industry developments, and maintained social order and stability by pushing for the establishment and operation of the credit union. Relevant studies have focused on the relationship between financial credit and overall developments in social industrial capital developments as well as on the stabilizing effect of the credit union system on Taiwan’s society and economy. The Kaohsiung Third Credit Cooperative, formerly known as the Chungchou credit union (中洲信用組合) and the Hsingyeh credit union(興業信用組合) during Japanese colonial rule, remains active today. Its prewar developments make it suitable for use as a case study to analyze the socioeconomic position of the credit union in Taiwan. This thesis analyzes specific examples of the Chungchou and Hsingyeh credit unions to explore the credit union system and socioeconomic financial developments in Taiwan under Japanese colonial rule as well as to determine how the credit union system operated and developed in local society, economy, and social networks. Five attributes of credit unions as key actors in aggregating the local society, economy, social networks, and circulating capital, namely members, operators, official supervision mechanism, payment flow, and connections with developments in local financial networks, are presented. Furthermore, the economic role of the credit union in local society during the Second World War is discussed, and the characteristics of credit unions regarding socioeconomic development in Taiwan during Japanese colonial rule are described.


《州廳每月報 事業成績報告書》(1926-1942)。
