  • 學位論文

建立學習型組織創造競爭優勢之研究: 以A集團為例

Competitive Advantages of Building a Learning Organization: Y Group Case Study

指導教授 : 陳家麟


1996年「經濟合作開發組織」 (OECD)」發表了題為《以知識為基礎的經濟》的報告,知識成了生產力提升與經濟成長的主要驅動力,意味著生產力將來自於個人的知識與其應用,然而,個人的知識與其應用並不等於企業組織的知識。Peter M. Senge (1990)《第五項修煉》(The Fifth Discipline)認為,只有透過個人學習,組織才能學習,因此個人學習是組織學習的必要條件。但是,他也提到,個人學習並不保證整個組織也在學習,除非企業也變成一種學習共同體。究竟,企業應該如何讓自己變成學習共同體,以便讓企業組織內的成員願意從個人自主學習轉變為集體之企業組織知識學習? A集團正處於是專家學者認為非常適合推動「學習型組織」的產業別之一: 電子零組件通路商,不僅身處低毛利、進入門檻不高、廠商家數眾多的產業型態,並於2000年起產業由百花齊放的狀態進入規模競速、隨著客戶外移布局全球運籌及亞太市場、中國大陸市場崛起促使國際通路大廠的面對面競爭…。 A集團除了經濟規模的擴張之外,也同時啟動「組織學習改造工程」,視為企業組織改革的重要訴求之一,希望藉此提升組織競爭力並進而取得市場優勢。改造工程進行一年後,因為缺乏有效且持續的驅動與激勵因子,A集團積極打造的組織學習活動,轉回以「自我導向學習」的模式為主;2006年A集團重啟「組織學習改造工程」後,一路推進而於2012年達成最初設定的目標:如何讓組織成員願意積極配合,一起創造最佳的學習環境(也成為留住員工的最大因素)與最佳學習風氣(養成與他人共享心得的習慣)。 本研究從學習知識的動機與行為之角度出發,來探討引導組織學習、組織分享、知識轉換與學習型組織之關聯性,透過個案公司A集團為研究對象,試圖找出當企業策略及領導人堅持都不變的情況下,為何上半場(2000年~2005年)改善率持續偏低,下半場(2006年~2012年)卻可以引導組織成員願意並樂於參與組織學習,並從個案公司領導人貢獻出腦中資訊到A集團每個同仁都可以貢獻出腦中資訊,將隱性知識轉化為顯性知識,擴大組織分享之解決方案,並實證從組織內部建立有系統的知識和能力,確實可以提高企業生存與競爭的能量之結果。本研究所提出之工具模型包含組織學習理論等管理意涵,得以作為企業推動學習型組織之參考方向。


The term "knowledge-based economy" was coined by the OECD (1996). Knowledge is now recognised as the driver of productivity and economic growth, which means that productivity will come from personal knowledge and Application, however, the knowledge of an individual and its application do not equal the knowledge of an organization. Peter M. Senge (1990) " The Fifth Discipline " believes that organizations can learn when the enterprise also becomes a learning community. After all, how should an enterprise turn itself into a learning community? Group A is one of the industries that experts and scholars think is very suitable for promoting "learning organizations": electronic component distributors are not only in an industry type with low gross profit, low entry barriers, and a large number of manufacturers, and Since 2000, the industry has entered a large-scale competition from a state of blossoming flowers. As customers move abroad, global operations and the Asia-Pacific market, and the rise of the Chinese mainland market have promoted face-to-face competition among major international players ... This study explores the relevance of guiding organizational learning, organizational sharing, knowledge transfer, and learning organization from the perspective of motivation and behavior of learning knowledge. Through case company A Group as the research object, it tries to find out when it is corporate strategy and leader Under the condition of persistence, why the improvement rate in the first half (2000 ~ 2005) continued to be low, but the second half (2006 ~ 2012) can guide the members of the organization to be willing and willing to participate in organizational learning, and to learn from individual company leaders Contribute the information in the brain to Group A. Every colleague can contribute the information in the brain, transform tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge, expand the solutions shared by the organization, and demonstrate the establishment of systematic knowledge and capabilities from within the organization. The result can increase the energy of business survival and competition. The tool model proposed in this research includes management implications such as organizational learning theory, which can be used as a reference direction for enterprises to promote learning organizations.


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