  • 學位論文


Discourse analysis of media reporting regarding Casey Affleck’s Oscar controversy before and after #MeToo movement

指導教授 : 張錦華




This study analyzes media reporting of the United Daily News, ETtoday and Womany’s coverage regarding Casey Affleck’s Oscar controversy through discourse analysis. The result shows that after the #MeToo movement, media tend to construct Affleck’s alleged sexual violence as a “scandal” rather than just an incident in the past. There were no explicit sexual violence myths in news reports and the proportion of stories about sexual violence increased after the #MeToo movement. However, most stories still focused on the celebrity/authoritative side, preponderance of coverage was placed on the the costs and situations of the perpetrator. In addition, new myths of "fame and stardom"were constructed in the stories, indirectly reinforce sexual violence myth and therefore help maintain patriarchal legacy. Still, there are myth-challenging stories, providing "voices of protesters"with more diversed sources; emphasizing the victim's experiences and criticizing structural oppression to "delink existing myths"; appealing to empathy or improving structural injustice through"proposing solutions" In conclusion, this study suggests that in addition to not replicating sexual violence myths in news, the media can also constructively and radically provide myth-challenging stories. There can be progressive principles in sexual violence reporting, such as "voices of protesters", "delink existing myths" and "proposing solutions".


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