  • 學位論文


The study on FSC Ecosystem Services Certification System

指導教授 : 邱祈榮


目前生態系服務市場的發展,因缺乏良好的監測系統或認證制度,使得市場規模與需求無法擴展。FSC期望能透過生態系服務認證的建立,針對生物多樣性保育、集水區服務、碳吸存與碳儲存、土讓保育、遊憩服務,揭露更多林地的現況資訊,消弭過去資訊不全或不對等的情形,讓生態系服務買賣雙方能更順利地進入市場,強化全球森林保育之誘因。 本研究透過FSC的全球生態系服務認證試驗地的案例,以及FSC發布之生態系服務認證程序書以及其他相關文獻,以文獻回顧的方式探討目前FSC生態系服務認證的進展與阻礙。綜合分析後發現,目前生態系服務認證依然受限於生態系服務產出量化的困難,進而影響認證的需求。而碳吸存與碳儲存則依然最具有前景與市場潛力,試驗地中僅越南香山以碳吸存與碳儲存取得FSC生態系服務認證,為全球首例。最後綜合環境條件與FSC程序書的要求,蓮華池為台灣最適合發展生態系服務認證者,可選擇生物多樣性保育、集水區服務與遊憩服務進行認證。


The market scale and demand of ecosystem service face challenges on development and expansion because of the lack of well-designed monitoring system and certification system. Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), an independent, non-government, and not for profit organization, established ecosystem service certification system on the fields, including watershed services, biological diversity conservation, soil conservation, carbon sequestration and storage, and recreation services. In order to encourage buyers and sellers to enter the market and enhance the motivations on global forest conservation, the information of forest management and environment resources will be documented and communicated to the public for mitigating the problem of incomplete and asymmetric information (on the market). The goal of this study is to discuss the progresses and challenges of FSC ecosystem service certification system. The pilot projects of Forest Certification for Ecosystem Services and FSC Ecosystem Services Procedure are literature reviewed and comprehensive analyzed. As the result, we discovered that, firstly, the current ecosystem service certification is limited by the difficulty of quantifying ecosystem services, which in turn of declining the demand of certification. Secondly, carbon sequestration and storage are still the most promising and potential services in the market. In the pilot, the city, Huong Son, Vietnam, obtained the FSC Ecosystem Service Certification on carbon sequestration and storage service, and become the first certified place in the world. Finally, according to the environmental conditions in Taiwan and the requirements of the FSC Ecosystem Services Procedure, Lianhuachi Research Center (LRC) is recommended to be the most suitable place on certifying ecosystem services. Because of rich biodiversity and water supply, Lianhuachi Research Center (LRC) could consider, in advance, biological diversity conservation, watershed services and recreation services for certification.


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