  • 學位論文


Research on Mediation Procedure under the Labor Incident Act: Lesson from Japanese Law

指導教授 : 許士宦


為強化傳統司法型調解之有效性,並因應勞動事件所特需之專業性、迅速性與妥適性要求,2020年1月1日施行之勞事法第2章訂定勞動調解程序,除以民訴法之調解程序為基礎,尚更進一步擴大強制調解之範圍,並新設許多傳統調解程序所未有之規定。諸如:勞動調解應於3個月內以3次期日內終結,並課予當事人原則上應於第2次期日終結前,即提出事實及證據,且強調勞動調解程序須進行爭點整理乃至成立爭點簡化協議,且須曉諭訴訟之可能結果及為必要之證據調查;勞動調解由勞動法庭之法官1人及勞動調解委員2人組成勞動調解委員會,而採取由法官與調解委員「同時」「共同」調解之模式,將勞動調解委員置於與調解法官相同及平等之地位;於勞動調解程序,如無法由當事人自主成立調解或授權由勞動調解委員會酌定調解條款時,勞動調解委員會原則上應依職權提出解決事件之適當方案;勞動調解程序與訴訟程序具某程度之連續性,包括調解法官與訴訟法官之連續性,以及事實及證據資料之連續性。此均為勞動調解程序有別於傳統民事調解程序之特徵,其如何解釋適用,並具體運作於勞動調解程序乃至續行之訴訟程序,即攸關勞動調解制度施行之成敗。本文欲先考察我國勞動調解程序於比較法上之參考對象-日本勞動審判制度之程序性質、具體運作及其作用,試圖整理彼邦勞動審判法自2006年4月正式施行迄今,於實務與學說上所積累之成果;次再聚焦回我國勞動調解程序,比較其與日本勞動審判程序之異同,釐清我國勞動調解程序之性質、具體運作及所具之作用,並針對上述勞動調解程序之制度特徵,其如何解釋適用與運作進行說明。   本文共計六章。第一章為緒論,說明本文之研究動機,提出問題意識,並指出所使用之研究方法,說明比較法研究上,日本勞動審判程序與我國勞動調解程序之類似性及其參考價值;最後則介紹全文之篇章架構。   第二章係對日本勞動審判程序性質與運作之考察。其中,第一節自勞動審判法之立法過程、制度設計及其條文,介紹勞動審判程序係「內建勞動調解之審判制度」,本質上係非訟程序。第二節自勞審法制定後之學說分析,介紹勞動審判程序與民事調解間具有異質性,再進一步探討勞動審判程序中非訟審判與調解間之關係。第三節考察勞動審判程序所適用之程序法理,指出因勞動審判程序所處理之事件具有高度訟爭性,故某程度亦有處分權主義與辯論主義之適用。第四節考察勞動審判程序之具體運作,介紹勞動審判程序之期日前準備與期日進行方式。   第三章係對日本勞動審判程序調整作用與判定作用之考察。其中,第一節整合學說上關於調整作用與判定作用之討論,並進一步歸納調整作用與判定作用,究係表彰於勞動審判程序之何種面向。第二節則以勞動審判程序所具有之調整作用為基礎,進一步探討調整作用於勞動審判程序之效應,而分別針對勞動審判程序之審理構造、審判規範概念之承認、日本法已發展形成之具體審判規範,以及勞動審判之審判界限所採之相當性標準進行介紹。第三節則以勞動審判程序所具有之判定作用為基礎,進一步探討判定作用於勞動審判程序之效應,而分別針對勞動審判程序之主張責任與舉證責任概念、勞動審判程序之要件事實論思維,以及勞動審判程序之爭點整理模式進行介紹。   第四章則聚焦回我國勞動調解程序之性質與運作,並以第二章之日本法考察為基礎,指出我國勞動調解程序與日本勞動審判程序在性質上或運作上之異、同,並探討該項異、同於我國法上之理論根據。其中,第一節除指出勞動調解程序依非訟事件之本質說,兼具非訟程序之性質外,亦因法官與事證資料之連續性,發生「準備程序化」之現象,故兼具訴訟程序之準備程序性質。此外,因勞動調解委員對於後續訴訟程序仍存在相當之影響力,從而亦兼具參審性質。上述性質,除指示勞動調解程序所應適用之程序法理外,對於若干立法論與解釋論疑義,亦有指標性之意義。第二節則探討勞動調解程序所應適用之程序法理,指出勞動調解程序無聲明之拘束性,且無類似「訴外裁判之概念」。並分析如何因應勞動事件所具有之訟爭性,透過程序法理交錯適用論,以辯論主義緩和職權探知主義。第三節則探討勞動調解程序之具體運作,說明計畫性調解下,期日前之準備方式與各次期日之任務分配,以及勞動調解程序理想之證據調查方式與審理原則;並說明調解計畫之意義與機能,進一步分析調解計畫之擬定主體、提出時期以及調解計畫之內容。   第五章則聚焦於我國勞動調解程序之調整作用與判定作用,並以第三章之日本法考察為基礎,於第一節指出我國勞動調解程序同具有調整作用與判定作用,並歸納調整作用與判定作用,究係表彰於勞動調解程序之何種面向。第二節則以勞動調解程序所具有之調整作用為基礎,進一步探討調整作用於勞動調解程序之效應,而分別針對勞動調解程序之審理構造、解決事件之適當方案規範之概念、我國法可能發展形成之解決事件之適當方案規範,以及解決事件之適當方案內容之界限進行分析,並賦予我國法上之理論根據。此外,基於勞事法第34條於比較法上之獨特性,解決事件之適當方案可能得繼續援用於訴訟程序,乃說明勞事法第34條第1項之解釋適用,以及分析勞動調解之調整作用於訴訟程序之繼續性作用。第三節則以勞動調解程序所具有之判定作用為基礎,進一步探討判定作用於勞動調解程序之效性,而分別針對勞動調解程序之主張責任與舉證責任概念、爭點整理之方法進行分析,並賦予我國法上之理論根據;尤其勞事法第30條第2項承認勞動調解程序中成立之爭點簡化協議之拘束力,故如何於勞動調解程序促成爭點簡化協議,即有進一步分析之必要。此外,基於勞事法第30條於比較法上之獨特性,勞動調解程序所呈現之事證資料可能得依勞事法第34條繼續援用於訴訟程序,乃探討勞事法第30條與第34條之適用關係,並釐清勞事法第30條第1項之遮斷範圍。最後,第六章總結本文之研究成果。


In order to strengthen the effectiveness of traditional judicial mediation and to meet the requirements of professionalism, promptness, and appropriateness required for labor incidents, the Labor Incident Act provides Mediation Procedure in Chapter 2, which not only builds on the Civil Procedure Law, but also further expands the scope of compulsory mediation and introduces lots of new provisions. For example, labor incident shall be resolved within three months and within three court dates, and the parties have to submit facts and evidence before the end of the second court date. Besides, the labor mediation committee has to carry out the coordination of issues or even boost the parties to reach an agreement of simplification of issues. Also, the labor mediation committee is composed of one judge and two mediation committee, and should simultaneously, jointly carry out mediation. Furthermore, when parties can’t establish mediation or authorize the mediation committee to provide mediation provisons, the mediation committee should provide an appropriate proposal ex officio. Besides, when mediation procedure is transformed into civil procedure due to the fail of mediation, there is continuity between mediation procedure and civil procedure about judge, facts and evidence existing. These are the characteristics of the labor mediation procedure that are different from the civil mediation procedure. Therefore, it is important to clarify and to establish the application of labor mediation procedure. This article first studies Labor Trial Act in Japan, which is the comparative law of labor mediation procedure, and second focuses on labor mediation procedure in Taiwan. Finally. this article aims to clarify the application of labor mediation procedure with comparative method, and try to theoretically establish its basis in Taiwan. This article consists of six chapters. The first chapter is an introduction, which explains the motivation of this article, raises the awareness of the problem, and points out the research method used. In Chapter 2, this article studies the essence and operation of the Labor Trial Act in Japan, and then introduces the legislative process, and points out that the essence of the labor trial procedure. In Chapter 3, this article studies the effect of reconciliation and the effect of adjudication in the labor trial procedure, and then try to analyze issues related to the effects above. In Chapter 4, on the basis of Chapter 2, this article refocuses on the essence and operation of the labor mediation procedure in Taiwan. It tries to clarify essences of the labor mediation procedure and the procedural jurisprudence applicable to the labor trial procedure, and resolve issues related to those essences. In Chapter 5, this article focuses on the effect of reconciliation and the effect of adjudication in the labor mediation procedure. On the basis of Chapter 3, it points out that there are the effect of reconciliation and the effect of adjudication existing in the labor mediation procedure, and then analyzes the issues related to effects above, especially about the trial structure in labor mediation procedure( including the concept of mediation rules ), the coordination of issues and the agreement of simplification of issues in labor mediation procedure, and the continuity between mediation procedure and civil procedure. The last one is also involved with Article 30(1) and Article 34 of the Labor Incident Law and thus this article will analyze jointly in Chapter 5. Finally in Chapter 6, it summarizes the conclusion of this research.


1. 司法院民事廳(編)(2021),《勞動事件法研究制定資料彙編(上)》,司法院。
2. 司法院民事廳(編)(2021),《勞動事件法研究制定資料彙編(下)》,司法院。
3. 民事訴訟法研究基金會(編)(1996),《民事訴訟法之研討(二)》,4版,民事訴訟法研究基金會。
