  • 學位論文


Indoor Positioning in the WLAN Environment with Sensitive Analysis of Environmental Interference

指導教授 : 孫雅麗


在過去的十年間,定位研究逐漸發展為一項重要的研究領域,應用在許多地理資訊相關的服務應用上。GPS技術發明之後,室外環境的定位服務已經可以達到可接受的定位效能,然而在室內環境方面,大樓阻隔了GPS訊號與衛星之間的傳輸,因而使的定位效能不佳。許多技術開始被拿來研究發展於室內定位,其中,由於無線區域網路發展健全,具備普遍性與便利性,因此被拿來作為室內定位研究的主要技術。然而,由於室內環境的變異性大且複雜度高,存在不確定性的環境干擾,因此室內定位仍有相當大的困難需要克服。 在本篇論文研究中,我們在台大教學館三樓建立了一套基礎的無線區域網路定位系統,並且針對室內環境干擾的問題做分析研究。透過對環境分成不同的區塊以及參考使用者過去的移動資訊,我們提出了針對環境干擾的辨識以及修正的機制。經由大量的實驗證明,我們提出的機制可以有效的減少環境干擾所帶來的定位誤差,並且在複雜度高的室內環境提昇定位精準度。


In past decade, positioning-based service has become a crucial researching field in many location-aware applications. As the invention of GPS technology, positioning in outdoor receives quite an acceptable performance, but poor in indoor cause of blocking signal from the GPS satellite inside the building. Many technologies have been applied as the solution in indoor environment. WLAN-based system becomes the dominated researching direction in indoor positioning for the reason of wide availability and ubiquitous coverage in large environments. However, in indoor environment, there exists a lot of unpredicted environmental interference, which make the indoor positioning more difficult and decrease the positioning accuracy. In this work, we establish a basic indoor WLAN positioning system, and focus on the problem of new environmental interference occurring in our target environment. We propose an interference-recognition and revision scheme with help of proposed radio-map sections and user tracking record for reducing the influence of environmental interference. From plenty of experiments, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed scheme and improve the positioning accuracy in complex indoor environment.


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