  • 學位論文


The Innovation Mechanism of Public Service in Taiwan

指導教授 : 彭錦鵬


創新的概念,最早由熊彼得(J.A. Schumpeter)於1912年所提出,導引了1950年代私部門的「企業轉型」風潮。而在1980年代中期以後,為因應全球性的政府財政收支惡化現象,世界各國政府掀起一波「新公共管理」運動,企圖援引企業管理概念,將政府再造為「企業型政府」,使國家更能有效回應人民需求;「創新」作為企業家精神之核心,自此挹注於公部門領域。   我國自2009年起設立「政府服務品質獎」,其宗旨即在於透過表彰卓越服務機關,鼓勵提供創新服務,並擴散標竿學習效益;其中,除了表揚 「第一線服務機關」外,更特別創設「服務規劃機關」類別,藉由強化服務規劃機關的權責,鼓勵主動積極從事服務政策與業務的創新整合;「政府服務品質獎」迄今已開辦四屆,業已累積28項獲獎之「服務規劃機關」案例。   本研究即以此28項個案為研究對象,透過「文獻分析法」與「深度訪談法」,結合「創新理論」與「創新擴散模式」,探討政府創新的內涵,瞭解我國政府創新服務產出之現況,並進一步分析我國政府服務之「創新動力機制」、「創新擴散機制」與「創新之限制」。   經過研究分析發現,驅動我國政府服務創新之關鍵核心在於「領導人之意向」,善用「新媒體」,並透過政府部門間的水平與垂直整合,甚至跨向公民社群領域的「組織整合」模式,為當前我國政府推動政策擴散的主要途徑;且即便在「法律政治條件」的重重限制下,亦可發現政府部門積極尋求突破,致力追求善治的過程。   「政府服務品質獎」作為這28項個案的背景,其所扮演的角色不僅是一個「競賽的擂台」,而更似一個「擴散的平台」,一方面導引我國政府部門服務精進之方向,同時亦作為激勵公務人員追求創新之指標。從探索這28項個案中,更得以發掘,每一項個案背後都有一個故事,每一個故事背後都有一位無名英雄,在看似一成不變的官僚體系之中,「人」的因素仍是政治系統中追求改革創新不可或缺的關鍵存在。


It was J.A. Schumpeter in “The Theory of Economic Development” (1912) who introduced for the first time the concept of “Innovation”, which gave rise to a whole new trend of business transformation in the 1950s. Due to the financial crisis, governments started to work on “ New Public Management” in the mid 1980s which attempt to invoke the concept of enterprise management to reinventing government as the " Entrepreneurial Government ". "Innovation" as the core concept of the entrepreneurship, from beginning to inject in the field of public sector.   Taiwan established “Government Service Quality Awards” since 2009 to recognize outstanding government agencies, to encourage the provision of innovative services, and to spread the effectiveness. In addition to recognition of “First Line Service Agencies”, the special category “Service Planning Agencies” is created to encourage actively engage in the innovative integration of service and operations through strengthen the responsibilities of them. "Government Service Quality Awards" so far has been introduced four times, and has accumulated 28 award-winning “Service planning Agencies” cases.   Based on the “Diffusion of Innovations Theory” , this study utilizes literature review and in-depth interview to examine 28 cases to explore the innovation mechanism of public service in Taiwan. It further discusses the mechanisms of motivation and diffusion, and the limitation of innovation. This study found that “the willingness of leaders” was the key to entrepreneurial government. Once leaders are ready for innovative governance, they usually employ multimedia, vertical and horizontal integration between public sectors, and civil group engagement as critical approaches to achieve new policy diffusion. By doing so, the public agencies can challenge the existing juridical and political restriction and better apply innovative governance.   As the shared context of the 28 examined cases, "Government Service Quality Awards" not only acts as a contest for competition but also as a platform for diffusion of innovative governance. Through closely investigating the 28 cases, it is clear to see that “human being” is still the most deceive factor in leading innovative institutional transformation.


丘昌泰,2000, 〈後現代社會公共管理理論的變遷:從新公共管理到新公民統理〉,《中國行政評論》,10(1):1-32。


