  • 學位論文


A Study of the Environmental Interpreters’ Professional Competency and Development Needs of Taiwan Geoparks

指導教授 : 林俊全


地質公園解說員作為連結環境與個人的樞紐,須具備足夠的環境解說專業能力,以達到強化遊客的遊憩體驗與保育資源的目的。然而現今研究缺少針對地質公園解說員環境解說專業能力之探討,在終生學習與自主參與之前提下,訓練的規畫應貼近參與者之需求。本研究以調查地質公園解說員環境解說專業能力與專業發展之需求為目的,採用調查研究法,以地質公園解說認證訓練課程參與者為樣本,透過二階段之問卷形式,建立地質公園解說員環境解說專業能力指標,並調查樣本人口對專業能力重要性、專業訓練課程及專業發展形式之需求。調查所得之資料以內容分析法中的比較分析,將蒐集之質性資料依主題進行分類,並以描述性統計與因素分析等統計方法進行量化資料之分析。 結果顯示,地質公園環境解說專業能力指標共35項,包括初級13項、中級11項與高級11項。指標面向包括「解說執行」、「解說發展」、「遊客需求滿足」,其中推廣在地特色與產品、持續進修的意願等相關指標在各層級中多次出現。而專業訓練課程面向包括「地質公園環境解說」、「地景保育」、「應用地球科學」。專業訓練課程形式則以「在地質公園內進行實務操作演練」、「集中辦理短期、密集的培訓課程」、「至其他地質公園參訪交流」為比例較高之課程進行形式需求。 本研究由上述成果提出以下結論:(1)除地球科學外,推展並傳遞當地人文特色與生活智慧也是地質公園環境解說促進環境教育的重要內涵。(2)地質公園解說員對專業能力的關注集中解說的執行與發展層面,影響其專業發展意願與需求。(3)地質公園解說員對訓練課程的需求程度,會受課程專業程度、學科領域與當地地質公園的地質特色的相關程度等因素差異影響。(4)地質公園解員專業發展對於實務操作、短期且密集的課程以及觀摩與經驗的交流有較大的需求。最後,研究者基於上述成果與結論,本研究提出對解說員在地質公園執行環境解說與未來可行研究方向之相關建議:(1)建議地質公園解說員應先了解遊客遊憩的需要並妥善運用解說媒體連結人與地景。(2)建議參考Bainer等人(2000)提出「與學校合作建立夥伴關係」的訓練形式,除提升環境教育方面的能力,對於人際互動技能、思維與資源管理方面也有廣泛的發展。(3)座談會、工作坊、讀書會等共享活動是解說員能有效分享實務經驗的機會,建議將參與此類活動納入個人專業發展規劃中。(4)以指標為基礎,發展相關評估研究。(5)以本研究建議之專業能力指標為基礎,發展地質公園環境解說訓練模組。(6)增加學術領域專家之意見,完善地質公園解說專業能力之架構。


Interpreters are the key actors bridging the environment and tourists at geoparks. In order to enhance the recreational experience of tourists and to conserve environmental resources, it is necessary for interpreters to obtain professional competency by certain training. However, there is a lack of research on the professional competency of geopark interpreters. As a good program of training should be close to the needs of the interpreters, this study explores the needs of professional development of geopark interpreters, including professional competencies required for environmental interpretation, the needs to participate in training courses, and factors affecting the professional development of the interpreters. This study utilizes survey method to establish the professional competency indicators of geopark environmental interpreters and to collect the required data through a two-stage questionnaire. The qualitative data in the survey results are classified according to the theme through the content analysis method, and the quantitative data are analyzed through the statistical methods such as descriptive statistics and factor analysis. The results show that there are 35 professional competency indicators of geopark environmental interpretation, including 13 indicators of entry level, 11 indicators of intermediate level, and 11 indicators of advanced level. The competency indicators can be classified as "interpretation implementation", "interpretation development" and " satisfaction for tourist demand". The indicated desired professional training curriculum includes "environmental interpretation of geoparks", "landscape conservation" and "applied geoscience". As to forms of professional development training curriculum geopark interpreters prefer "on-site training courses in geoparks", "Short-term and intensive training courses", and "visiting and observing other geoparks". In view of the above results, there are some conclusions: 1. In addition to earth science, the promotion of local humanistic characteristics and life wisdom is an important aspect of geopark environmental interpretation. 2. Geopark interpreters focuses on the implementation and development of interpretation, which affects their willingness and demand for professional development. 3. The demand of geopark interpreters for training courses will be affected by the differences between discipline field and geological characteristics of local geoparks. 4. Practical operation, intensive training courses, observing and experience exchanging are desired top forms for professional development. Finally, based on the above results and conclusions, the author puts forward some suggestions for the environmental interpretation of geoparks and future research.


