  • 學位論文


Competencies and Selection Validity of Government Personnel Officials: the Perspective of Personnel Officials

指導教授 : 蘇彩足


政府人事人員基於一條鞭的特性,於執行業務時須具備溝通協調的職能(competency)。且隨著現今公共治理環境越來越多元化、複雜化及全球化及策略性人力資源管理的發展,人事人員的角色逐漸走向組織的策略夥伴。 本研究以網路發放問卷方式,調查現職簡任、薦任及委任人事人員,其認為人事人員重要的職能,並與非人事人員比較。以及目前國家考試人事類科高考三等及地方特考三級考試科目、考試錄取人員訓練及兼採口試與該職能之關係。並瞭解人事人員是否贊成兼採口試方式辦理遴選。 研究結果發現,人事人員及非人事人員認為前七項執行職務所需具備的職能,重要程度的排序是相似的,且皆認為本研究所列之職能具有一定的重要性。而其認為現行高考及地方特考三等人事類科考試科目與人事人員執行職務所需大部分職能關係程度較低。基礎訓練、實務訓練與人事職能關係程度,較筆試科目為高。 此外,本研究調查的人事人員認為遴選兼採口試的遴選方式,與人事人員職能關係程度偏低,有多數的人事人員不贊成人事人員國家考試增加口試,原因包含:口試標準不一、容易受到口試委員主觀的偏好影響、人事工作性質不一定需要透過口試遴選、可能發生口試委員誤判情況、耗費人力及時間。


Today highly versatile human resources at all levels of government are in greater demand than ever. Personnel officials dealing with complex situations constantly find themselves in need of skills and competencies necessary to achieve coordination and smooth communication. This study concerns a review in identifying important competencies needed for government personnel officials to do their jobs well. This study is mostly focused on answering three key questions: 1)Are test subjects in written exams in both Civil Service Special Examinations for Local Government Personnel Level 3 and Senior Civil Service Examinations for Personnel Officials Level 3 positively related to competencies, 2)is the training process positively related to competencies, and 3)is the position interview helpful in ensuring that an organization is staffed by competent people who perform effectively. To answer these questions, questionnaires were given to target respondents in senior rank, junior rank and elementary rank Personnel Officials. The answers they submitted were then compared with those from non-Personnel Officials. Additionally, Personnel Officials’ view on the necessity of including a position interview into Civil Service Exam was revealed in their answers.Survey results from both HR and non-HR personnel indicated that they share seven common important competencies. Also, respondents confirmed the importance of competencies listed in this study. They also believed that test subjects in both Civil Service Special Examinations for Local Government Personnel Level 3 and Senior Civil Service Examinations for Personnel Officials Level 3 were not strongly connected with HR competencies. Basic training and internship (for acquiring hands-on experience), in contrast, were more positively related to HR competencies. Furthermore, most respondents opposed to including interviews for personnel officials in Civil Service Examinations. Their main concern was subjectivity in the interview process—hiring decisions were made on the basis of feeling rather than objective judgment. The relevance of an interview to HR personnel’s competencies was also challenged.


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