  • 學位論文

女警職場適應之研究─ P.Bourdieu 場域理論的考察

Study on policewoman's workforce adaptation ─ An expedition of P. Bourdieu's field theory

指導教授 : 陳顯武
共同指導教授 : 曾建元(Jian-Yuan Tseng)


伴隨警政工作的日趨分化及複雜,而「派出所」的工作又扮演基層第一線的要角,除有基本的守望、巡邏等六大勤務外,尚有其它主辦、協辦等多項業務需承擔,使得整體警察服務雖更趨包羅萬象,卻也使得基層同仁的負擔遠勝過往;而「女性」是否能擔服、甚至承受這樣的「重擔」,更是多年來備受男同仁及大眾關注的焦點。 然而,同仁之間仍舊有質疑的聲浪,民眾亦因女性傳統刻板印象中較為柔弱之故,時有態度不佳或不配合的情況,甚至上級長官也常將女性的角色置於婦幼宣導、公關形象、性侵防治等「印象中」女性較適合的位置,而無法一展抱負,且時有「保護女性」不去外勤的傳聞出現,無形之中限制了女警在警察工作的發展。 因此,本研究除透過訪談分析了解女性在警察職場中的工作適應外,更期許「性別主流化」政策的推行應不分男女,共同協助警察機關的勤務規劃及執行,且能真正落實性別平等,讓適格的男女警共同發揮所長,為我國的治安及性別平權邁出重要的一哩路。


With increasing divisionality and complexity of police duties, the 'police stations' are playing as the main characters on the frontline of basic units in the police workforce. Besides six major duties including watching and patrol, basic unit police officers also have to host or co-organize other governmental services, which makes the overall police service more and more unwieldy and also makes the burden of basic unit staff heavier than ever before. Under these circumstances, the question that whether 'female' are able to undertake this 'fardel' has been a focal issue for other male colleagues and the community for years. Nevertheless, these doubts remain amongst the fellow workers, and the general populace would sometimes have an attitude or be uncooperative toward female officers due to the impression of traditionally stereotypic effeminacy on the female. Moreover, supervisors have often put policewomen in the position such as woman children advocacy, public image propaganda, and sexual assault prevention, which are 'subjectively' suitable for women, and therefore limits their unfulfilled potential. The unspoken dictate that keeping policewomen from the fieldwork in the title of 'female protection' are heard from time to time, which invisibly restrains the career development of female police officers. Therefore, in this study, asides from investigating female's work accommodation in police workplace through interview analysis method, we anticipate the promotion of 'gender mainstreaming policy' should implement regardless of gender, and collaboratively assisting the police agency's duty curating and executing, furthermore, substantially practicing the gender equality, letting eligible female and male police officers togetherly utilize their strength, stepping out the next important mile of the public security and gender equality for our nation.


