  • 學位論文


After the crisis:The Study of Regional Economic Resilience in Taiwan’s Machine Tool Industry

指導教授 : 陳良治


過去關於區域經濟的研究大多專注於產業如何成長、發展,然而在全球化下,世界經濟連動性越來越高,某國的經濟危機可能會影響世界另一端的產業榮枯,可見外部衝擊將變得頻繁且難以預測。因此本研究將換個角度,以回復力(Resilience)概念切入,討論區域經濟體面對衝擊的韌性。一般討論回復力以防災角度為多,然而自2008年金融海嘯後,越來越多學者開始以回復力的角度探討區域經濟,但目前仍然需要更多經驗研究來作為理論基礎。本研究以台灣工具機產業群聚為田野,期望提供一個以後進國家、中小型企業為本體的傳統產業群聚案例,採用長期追蹤的歷史與演化觀點,來討論區域經濟回復力的變化與群聚內不同能動者應對外部衝擊的方式。 本研究根據工具機產值成長率進行歸納,自1980年代至今台灣工具機產業群聚共遭遇到五次導致負成長的外部衝擊,分別為1987年-1993年的美國VRA、1997年東南亞金融風暴、1999年九二一大地震、2000年初的網路泡沫化與九一一恐怖攻擊、2008年金融海嘯。根據其性質可分成主要市場受挫、國際金融危機與無法預測之天災。根據文獻回顧與實地田野訪談,本研究提供了兩個研究架構來探討台灣工具機產業群聚的回復力。 研究結果發現,根據外部衝擊性質不同,工具機產業群聚藉由不同能動者介入進行回應。面對主要市場受挫,群聚以企業家為主導,根據情況有效運用另一個能動者的協助,成功開拓並分散、轉移主要市場。在國際金融危機中,透過學習與跨廠商聯盟,進行產業的再結構,提升整體產業競爭力。面對無法預測之天災,則透過產業網絡的共同行動與高度彈性的生產方式,彌補部分協力廠受損的危機。其中企業家精神、產業結構、公部門協助與社會資本,分別按不同類型的外部衝擊進行互動產生區域經濟回復力。


Researches in regional economies have been mostly focused on how industries can grow and develop. However, globalization has bound world economies together as never seen before and, as a result, economic shocks brought about by external factors has become ever more frequent and unpredictable. Therefore, this research is aimed to take a different perspective by using the concept of Resilience to get down to the discussion of tenacity of regional economies in the face of such interconnected shocks. In the case studies of Taiwan's machine tool cluster, this research discusses the variation of regional economies' resilience and how different agents in the cluster cope with external shocks. In an induction of the grow rates of the machine tool industrial output value, it is found that since 1980s, Taiwan's machine tool industrial cluster has encountered five negative growths due to external shocks, which are respectively related to the 1987-1993 Voluntary Restraint Agreement (VRA), 1997 Asian Financial Crisis, 1999 Taiwan's 921 Earthquake, 2000 Internet Bubble and American 911 Terrorist Attack, and 2008 Global Financial Tsunami. During the shocks, the entrepreneurship, industrial structure, public sectors' assistance, and social capital interacted with one another in adaptation to various external shocks and successfully produced resilience to the regional economy. The research has also found that in coping with different characteristics of external shocks, different agents within the machine tool cluster react accordingly. When facing the setbacks of major markets due to events such as the VRA, Internet Bubble, and 911 Terrorist Attack, the industrial cluster was under the leadership of entrepreneurs to switch its agents for appropriate assistance based on the changing situation, and successfully developed new businesses to diversify and transfer from the original markets. When facing global financial crises (e.g. the Asian Financial Crisis and Global Financial Tsunami), the agents in the cluster went through learning of coping with new situations and adaptation by business alliance to restructure their industrial framework and uplift their overall industrial competitiveness. When facing unpredictable natural disasters (e.g. Taiwan 921 Earthquake), the agents went through joint action and highly flexible production to make up part of the losses incurred to their fellow agents.


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