  • 學位論文


Internationalizing China: Hong Kong-based Canadian scholar David Zweig and his Jewish Consciousness

指導教授 : 石之瑜


香港是亞洲國際都會,是通往中國大陸的主要門戶,也是中國學術研究的重要基地;其角色定位長久以來也是由英國或中國來賦予意義,走在亦中亦西的邊緣。正因為沒有鮮明的界定吸引了不少外籍學者們選擇旅居香港,成為他們的研究基地。本文的研究對象崔大偉作為一位加拿大籍猶太裔的中國學術研究者,選擇香港為研究基地和定居地,他以猶太精神關心中國,以自己的方式進入中國、探討中國,了解中國最新的變化,形成個人獨特的研究途徑。 中國自1978年改革開放後,綜合國力持續增長,經濟、軍備迅速發展,國際事務的參與度日益增加,已然大幅提升中國的全球地位,同時也融入全球化的歷史進程。然而,崔大偉卻沒有以普遍學者們所認為的「全球化」來探討中國過往幾十年的發展情況,反之,他選擇了一個獨特的專門名詞──「國際化中的中國」,從國家的控制力相互穿透來研究中國國內發展,以國際化概念取代全球化概念,主張國際化才符合中國的政治和經濟的內在邏輯,實屬罕見。 本文試圖透過探討崔大偉猶太文化背景、與中國接觸的經驗、生涯際遇、研究所在地點香港所提供的學術與社會環境,整理及分析崔大偉在中國學術研究的知識史。


Hong Kong not only is the world city of Asia and the main door of China, but also is an important base of Chinese studies combining the eastern and the western culture together. Many western scholars choose Hong Kong as their research base because of the unique culture, Hong Kong Canadian scholar David Zweig is one of them. David Zweig came to Hong Kong since 1996. He is using his own Jewish way to comprehend China and to find out the latest situations of China’s politics, economy and society. China opened and reformed in 1978, the marvelous development and the growth in economy made China to be the one of world powers. Meanwhile, China joined the process of globalization as it entered WTO successfully in 2001. Afterward, many scholars try to use the approach of globalization to explain the development in China. However, David Zweig uses a distinctive term to interpret the regulations of Chinese government in the reform period, called “Internationalizing China”. This research tries to analyze David Zweig’s China study by probing his Jewish thought, living experiences in China and Hong Kong, and the educational career in western and eastern.


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