  • 學位論文


Fast-Response and Wide-Viewing-Angle Single Cell Gap Transflective OCB mode LCDs

指導教授 : 蔡永傑


本論文以模擬軟體做為工具,探討如何設計出快速反應兼廣視角的單間隙半穿透半反射OCB mode液晶顯示器。實驗內容主要分為三個部分: 第一部分是光電曲線的匹配,我們承接上一屆學長李孟霖的研究,使用穿透區與反射區不同預傾角的方式來達到光電曲線的匹配,並嘗試調整操作電壓至較為合理的範圍。第二部分是反應時間的實驗,針對各個可能影響反應時間的參數做調整,利用軟體模擬計算這些參數對反應時間的影響,期望藉由實驗結果成功設定出最適合高速反應OCB mode液晶顯示器的參數組合。第三部分是寬頻與廣視角的實驗,先測試文獻中寬頻技術的效果如何,再嘗試設計各種不同的相位補償膜以求增加視角範圍。在設計相位補償膜的同時,也會考慮本實驗的液晶結構在實際製作上是否簡單、合理,以求設計出模擬結果良好與兼具實用價值的液晶結構。 本實驗設計的液晶結構在光電曲線匹配、反應時間與寬頻技術方面都得到了不錯的模擬結果,特別是反應時間成功降至大約1毫秒左右。而視角方面雖然成果普通,但亦利用穿透區與反射區不同相位補償的模式設計出兩種完整的半穿透半反射液晶顯示器結構,並根據實驗結果提出了未來展望,提供後續研究者思考與著手的方向。


In this thesis, we use the software DIMOS.1D to find out how to design a fast-response and wide-viewing-angle single cell gap OCB mode transflective LCD. There are three main parts in the experiment processes: The first part is to let the “T-V curves” of transmissive part and reflective part get matched. We follow the research of our senior, Meng-Lin Li, and adopt the method, setting different pretilt angles in T-part and R-part, to reach TR-match. Then we lower the thickness of retardation films to adjust the operating voltage to a rational range. The second part is to hasten the response time. We vary all the parameters relative to response time and demonstrate the relationships between them through the software. We also attempt to establish a combination of parameters that is suitable for fast-response OCB mode. The third part is wide-band technique and wide-viewing-angle design. First we demonstrate whether the wide-band technique from the reference is effective or not. Then we try several different kinds of retardation films for widening the viewing angle. At the same time, we also consider whether the LCD structure is easily fabricated by modern technology, ensuring that it is reasonable and practical. There are excellent simulation results of TR-match, response time, and wide-band, but only acceptable performance in viewing angle. However, we still successfully use the TR different retardation layers structure to construct two kinds of TR-LCD, and propose some meaningful and interesting future works for this theme.


LCD Transflective OCB Single Cell Gap TR-match Response Time Viewing Angle


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