  • 學位論文


The Dilemma of Risk Communication and Citizen Participation in Mobile Phone Base Station Installation

指導教授 : 林子倫


我國行動通訊自1998開始自由競爭以來就擁有極高的用戶普及與成長率,而隨之基地台執照總數至2009年年底也已達4萬3千多張,然因基地台必須普設於人口密集之區域,使鄰近民眾擔憂電磁波之危害而產生「鄰避情結」,10年投訴至公部門之陳情抱怨函從不間斷。而隨者3G、3.5G及未來4G行動通訊的普及擴張,此一沉痾勢必更加嚴重。本研究主要係回顧此一現象的歷史脈絡及在地化特殊性,並探討多年來政府在基地台的風險溝通失靈的困境癥結,以及晚近有志之士對於環境民主所主張之公民參與方式運用於基地台架設之可行性。 本研究發現:各個基地台風險行動者對於風險感知態度及環境安全值大小存有重大落差,學者專家間也呈現莫衷一是的現象。而政府在風險溝通上一味強調安全標準數據、以依法行政原則的僵化回應,致使風險承受者的權益被隱沒忽視,顯見「技術專家途徑」式的風險溝通嚴重失靈,民眾對政府普遍不信任。而基地台的架設程序上地方政府被剝奪參與權、鄰近民眾完全無置喙餘地,此行動慣性於開放大量建設初期就已形成,雖各方呼籲應納入利害關係人之參與,然憲法與電信上位政策的因循舊例、NCC身兼發展電信之角色困境及缺乏小型公民參與前例可循等因素,皆不利於推行基地台架設程序之公民參與。 本研究建議:1.政府應成立專責部門做風險溝通,以改變「技術專家途徑」式的風險溝通。2.督促業者善盡企業社會責任-包括:公開基地台的設置地點、賦予業者擔負風險溝通的主要責任、督促對社區或鄰近居民之有效回饋、對業者徵收特定基金作風險管理等。3.政府的風險管理角色應分工清楚:由環保署受理環境電磁波之量測、由國民健康局加強健康風險溝通,以避免核發執照之NCC球員兼裁判之嫌。4.應仿效國外天線壁掛與美化方式,跨部會協商以克服多年法規障礙。最後,本文建議應把握NCC委員合議制之契機,針對個案進行公民參與實驗,其結論或多元意見報告可作為委員會決定基地台架設許可之准駁參考,以逐步趨近環境之審議民主。


Both the mobile phone penetration rate and subscribe growing rate of Taiwan have been soaring high since the initiate of free competition in telecommunications market in 1998, and the number of licenses of mobile phone base station issued by government has increased to 43 thousands by the end of 2009 accordingly. The public concerns about the effect of electromagnetic fields (EMF) emitted from mobile phone base station have risen simultaneously. With the growing popularity of 3G, 3.5G and 4G mobile communications, NIMBY complaint letters sent to the public sector are expected to be increased more. This study first reviews the historical and local context of the NIMBY phenomenon, and then explores the causes of the over years’ failure of government on EMF risk communications. Finally, we will analysis the feasibility of adopting the way of citizen participation over the base station set up procedure. This study founds: On the EMF NIMBY issue, there are significant opinion gaps between the various actors toward risk perceptions and residential EMF exposure limits. Government officials used to emphasize that the measured data is in line with safety norms, rigidly responded to people with the according-to-the-law principle, which led the rights of risk withstands ignored. Local governments and nearby inhabitants were fully deprived of their right to participate the base station set up procedures. Although all parties call that the participation of stakeholders should be included, however: 1. The Constitution and upper telecommunication policy follow the old cases. 2. The paradox of NCC being the institute to develop telecommunication and the authority to deal with NIMBY. 3 The lack of citizen participation in a similar precedent to follow, make the implementation of citizen participation in base station setting up procedures quite difficult. This study suggests: 1. Dedicated department like PR should be set up inside each EMF NIMBY related sectors to do risk communicating jobs, in order to change the old "technocratic approach" way of risk communication. 2. Urge operators to take social responsibility, such as setting up specific funds for EMF risk management. 3. The Government's jobs on risk management should be divided: by the EPA to accept the EMF measurement requirements, by the Bureau of Health Promotion to deal with the health concerns of EMF, in order to avoid the NCC being the role of both player and referee. 4. Follow the example of the antenna mounted on the wall of foreign to lower visual impact, cross-agencies integration should be done to overcome regulatory obstacles for many years. Finally, this study points out that collegiate system of NCC is a great opportunity for implementing citizen participation, which will respond to all parties call for closer to deliberative democracy




