  • 學位論文


Not only building house Dilatory Rebuilding Road of Laiyi Tribe

指導教授 : 洪貞玲 陳一姍


莫拉克風災後,政府將家園重建定調為──興建永久屋。永久屋政策由政府出地,慈善團體出錢蓋房子開始在各災區大興土木。此次風災嚴重災區多為原住民部落,其有特殊的歷史背景、文化脈絡,以及生活習慣,尤其土地對原住民而言更是具有神聖的意義。但政府所制定的重建政策卻忽視了這些因素對原住民災後重建的影響力。 本文以屏東縣來義鄉來義村為個案,尤其在災後重建(由其面對永久屋政策)所發生的故事,說明原住民面對政府在風災後所頒布的各種重建政策時所遭遇的困難。來義村在莫拉克風災與凡那比颱風中受災嚴重,面臨遷村問題。但因家屋受災程度不同,各種考量立場的差異,以及災後重建過於急促,使部落內部無法形成共識,因而產生諸多誤會、衝突與矛盾。   災後重建不應急就章,政府在制訂重建政策前需花大量時間與災民溝通,提供完善的資訊取得管道供其做判斷,也必須給居民更多的時間自主思考未來的方向。


The Government has set the policy to build Permanent Housing Community for post-disaster reconstruction after Typhoon Morakot sweeping through Taiwan. Permanent Housing Community is that the Government provided lands to the NGOs, and the NGOs could build the Permanent Housing Community with contribute funds.   However, the post-disaster reconstruction is not so easy as people think. Since the disaster areas mostly are the Aboriginal tribes, we have to make a consideration as fully as possible. Land really means a lot to the Aboriginal. To the Aboriginal, land is not only a place to live on, but also stands for the spirit of tribe. It includes lots of meanings such as historical background, cultural context, habits and customs. Obviously, the post-disaster reconstruction of government does not consider all those important conditions.   In order to have a deep understanding to the impact of the post-disaster reconstruction brought to the Aboriginal, this report will focus on the dilemma which Laiyi Tribe is facing with, and describes the feelings of fragmentation since there is still not a consensus in the tribe with hasty village relocation.   The government should spend more time having a totally discussion with the victims before making a post-disaster reconstruction policy, and provides comprehensive information to the Aboriginal to make a decision about village relocation. Last but not the least, the post-disaster reconstruction should not complete in a rush, we should show more respect to the Aboriginal, and expecting a consummate ending.


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