  • 學位論文


On the Behavior and Seismic Fragility of Eccentric Non-Structures in Hospital

指導教授 : 陳國慶 林祺皓


本研究主要探討醫院建築內的偏心非結構構件受到水平地震力時的晃動及傾倒行為。隨著建築技術的進步和法規的發展,建築物的結構耐震性能已經有明顯的提升,但是建築內的非結構物卻沒有受到相同程度的重視。近年來的地震災區紀錄中,受到地震襲擊後的建築物,醫院結構本身通常沒有受到嚴重的損害,但是建築內的非結構物等設備與構件受到破壞的情形卻相當普遍,導致醫療能力大幅下降。 在過去的研究中,對於具有均勻質量分布的剛性塊受到外力的響應,已經進行了廣泛的研究,然而,在實際情況中,醫院內的設備可能為具有較大質量偏心率的剛性塊,這些偏心結構,會使得它們受到地震後的行為更加複雜也更難以預測。所以,使用具有質量偏心的模型來模擬醫院中非結構物的地震反應是相當需要的。 在此研究中,將非結構物設備視為具有質量偏心的剛性塊,並假設摩擦力足夠大以防止剛性塊滑動,利用數值軟體分析剛性塊受到一系列地震紀錄的水平分量的影響,並加入了實驗來驗證模擬與實際情形之間的準確性。將結果與具有均勻質量分布的剛性塊比較,並繪出不同偏心率的剛性塊在不同PGA下的易損性曲線,評估偏心非結構物在地震來襲時的損壞機率。


This study focuses on the rocking and overturning of eccentric non-structures caused by the horizontal seismic vibration. With the advancement of building technology and the development of the building code, the seismic performance of buildings has been significantly improved. However, relatively little attention has been paid to the seismic performance of non-structures in buildings. As records collected from earthquake-stricken areas in recent years show, while the building structures of hospitals may have no serious earthquake damages, the destruction of equipment and non-structural components in the buildings is still unavoidable, resulting in a significant decline in medical capabilities. On the other hand, most of the previous studies have been conducted on the response of rigid blocks with uniform mass distribution to external forces. However, in practice, some non-structures in hospitals are rigid blocks with high eccentricities. Eccentricities make it more complex and more difficult to predict the consequences of an earthquake. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a model to simulate the seismic response of non-structures with eccentricities in hospitals. In this study, the non-structure is regarded as a rigid block with mass eccentricity, and the friction is assumed to be large enough to prevent the rigid block from sliding. By using the horizontal data retrieved from a series of seismic records, the response of the rigid block is numerically analyzed, and experiments were added to verify the accuracy between the simulated and actual situations. Two aspects of the response are discussed. First, the results are compared with the response of the rigid block with uniform mass distribution. Second, the fragilities of rigid blocks with different eccentricities under different Peak Ground Acceleration are presented. Results of this study can be exploited to assess the seismic damage probability of the eccentric block.


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