  • 學位論文


Comparison between Traditional Farming System and Friendly Farming System on Soil-Water-Rice in Neicheng, Ilan.

指導教授 : 張文亮


本研究利用統計方法比較友善農法和傳統農法耕作行為,對於水稻田的土壤、水質和水稻生長的影響。選擇了三塊田區,包含耕作十年以上的傳統農法田區、休耕近十年後第一年以友善農法耕作的田區以及以友善農法耕作第四年的田區。三個田區分別進行插秧前的土壤採樣、水稻營養生長階段的水質監測以及水稻分蘗期的生長調查。 土壤實驗項目包含粒徑分析、總體密度、導電度、酸鹼值、有機質百分比。結果發現四年的友善農法田區在粒徑組成、總體密度、導電度、酸鹼值項目中,與傳統農法田區存在顯著差異。以友善農法耕作有助於改善土壤質地。 水質實驗項目包含導電度、溶氧、酸鹼值、氨態氮、硝酸態氮以及總磷酸鹽。實驗結果顯示,三塊田區皆只有對硝酸態氮有減少的效果。傳統農法中施肥造成大量氨態氮與磷酸鹽流入渠道中。 水稻生長量測項目為分蘗數與株高。水稻生育日數前30日,生長受積溫影響較大。生育日數30~45日,傳統農法施肥的效果會使水稻生長加快。生育日數45日時,傳統農法田區水稻之分蘗數為22.3,友善農法田區分蘗數分別為16.7與17.6。


This study presents the comparison the effects between friendly farming and traditional farming system on soil, water and rice growth with statistical methods. We selected 3 paddy-field: 1) field under cultivation for more than ten years with traditional farming system. 2) fallow land for nearly ten years and using friendly farming system at the first year. 3) field under cultivation for four years with friendly farming system. In these 3 fields, soil was sampled before planting, water quality was monitored during rice growth stages, and the growing investigations were made in the tillering period. Soil tests include particle size analysis, bulk density, conductivity, pH value, and organic matter. The results showed that there is a significant difference in particle size, bulk density, conductivity, pH value between the traditional farming field and the field using friendly farming practices for 4 years. The friendly farming practice helps to improve the soil quality. Water test contains water conductivity, dissolved oxygen, pH value, ammonia nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen and total phosphate. In nutrient reduce, only nitrate nitrogen has the significant difference in these 3 fields. Using the traditional farming practice causes a lot of ammonia nitrogen and phosphorus flowing into the channels . The measurements of rice growth consist of the tiller number and height. The 30 days after transplanting, it was greatly influenced by growing degree day. During the 30~45 days after transplanting, the rice grew faster in traditional farming field because of fertilization. The 45 days after transplanting, the tiller number was 22.3 in the traditional rice farming field, and 16.7 and 17.6 in the friendly farming field.


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